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22. The period of proletarian world revolutions opened with the Great Socialist October Revolution carried out in Russia in 1917. This revolution, which ended the sovereignty of the bourgeoisie in one-sixth of the world and dealt a heavy blow to the capitalist-imperialist system, divided the world into two separate and opposing systems. Imperialism, at this stage where the class struggle was intensified, wielded the fascist dictatorship as the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, most imperialist open dictatorship and the last form of domination of finance capital against the working class and the oppressed peoples of the world.

23. The Second World War, which started as an inter-imperialist conflict, resulted in a glorious victory of the peoples of Europe and Asia, led by the Soviet Union, against the fascist bloc. At the end of this war, the balance of forces changed significantly in favor of the forces of democracy and socialism, and a socialist camp was formed. American imperialism, which came out from the war without physical destruction, became the gendarmerie of the exploiting world and started the Cold War.

24. In the period following the Second World War, the concentration, centralization and internationalization of capital became more advanced; development in science has created jumps in technology. The multinational corporations and the giant monopoly unions have reached the strength and the prevalence, surrounding the earth like an octopus. Monopoly state capitalism has reached enormous dimensions. Despite the physical contraction of the imperialist world market due to the formation of the socialist camp, the imperialist market developed tremendously with the increase of demand after the terrible devastation caused by the imperialist war of redivision, and as a result of it, until the late 1960s, capitalism experienced a relatively calm growth process in the metropolitan countries. This provided a suitable basis for the strengthening of reformism and revisionism in the communist and workers' movement.

25. In the same period, the vast majority of the former colonies were transformed into new (semi) colonies as a result of the struggle of the oppressed peoples and nations that developed with the active support of the socialist camp. Old-style colonialism collapsed. Due to the development of capitalism dependent on imperialism in the new colonies, the quantitative and qualitative weight of the working class gradually increased. This situation increased the possibility of the proletariat to establish its hegemony in the anti-imperialist democratic revolution and of the uninterrupted transition from the democratic stage of the revolution to its socialist stage.

26. The imperialists were rapidly armed after the ‘50s, the militarization of the economy became even more evident, with the explosion in the numbers of local and regional reactionary wars led by the imperialists themselves; the number of people who died in these wars surpassed the number of deaths in the 1st and 2nd imperialist wars of redivision. In the same process, the destruction of natural and historical environment also accelerated to the utmost.

27. Despite the attack of the counter-revolution against the international revolution front in the Soviet Union in 1956, the 1960s and ‘70s became a period when the revolutionary liberation wars of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America gained glorious victories. However, the ‘80s witnessed the decline of the wave of revolution worldwide.

28. In 1956, the modern revisionists, who seized power in the Soviet Union, initiated the process of demolishing socialism and rebuilding capitalism. The counter-revolution, which began with Khrushchev and continued by the Brezhnev regime, turned the Soviet Union into a social imperialist country dominated by monopoly state capitalism. The dictatorship of the bureaucrat bourgeoisie was established in place of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

29. The counter-revolution in the Soviet Union wreaked havoc on the world communist movement. Many communist parties took part on the side of betrayal. The countries that turned to socialism through socialist or uninterrupted revolution other than Albania, followed the path of capitalist restoration. The socialist camp broke up. The PLA, which took a frontal stand against modern revisionism, headed the international communist movement.

30. The Marxist-Leninist theory had seen the possibility of a restoration in a socialist country under conditions of imperialist siege; the imperialist aggression, the internal counter-revolutionary uprising and the white betrayal at the party were highlighted as reasons and means of this. The counter-revolution in the Soviet Union took place through bureaucratic corruption and betrayal at the party.

31. At the end of the 1980s, the revisionist camp, led by the Soviet Union, collapsed and this was followed by the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The world bourgeoisie turned this situation into a raging ideological attack opportunity and used it for the propaganda of the "death" of "socialism" with all its possibilities. As a part of results of all these developments and imperialist activity, Albania, which was a defiant stronghold of socialism, also suffered a restoration through liquidationism. The PLA turned power over to the collaborators of imperialism. In Albania, mass reactions emerged at first; however, the fact that the communists at the party and particularly in the leadership could not dare to take up a civil war, prevented the workers and laborers from organizing a resistance through the revolutionary violence to repel the counter-revolution.

32. In spite of all these negative developments, humanity is objectively closer to socialism and communism in today's world, where international production and distribution has reached tremendous dimensions, the social organization of the working class has progressed, the educational and cultural level of it has increased and the elements of crisis have deeper and sharper accumulation. Despite the demagogies of democracy and prosperity through scientific technical revolution, capitalism did not and cannot give humanity anything other than war, hunger, poverty, aggressive nationalism, fascism, unmeasurable destruction of productive forces, social and mental decay, ecological destruction, human alienation to nature. Humanity will not accept extinction, it will turn to socialism.

33. As the revolution could break out in the weakest link or links of the imperialist chain, the level that imperialist capitalism has reached today has created the possibility of regional revolutions. The same situation matures the objective conditions for the transformation of revolutions of each individual country into regional revolutions and waves of world revolution, reinforcing the possibility of revolutions that trigger each other in many countries.

34. The ranks of the proletariat in the stage of imperialist globalization have widened, the material ground of its international identity has been strengthened, the difference between the social positions of the manual and intellectual labor has weakened, the proletariat and the oppressed and exploited laborer strata of the population, whose existence conditions are increasingly depleted due to rapid expropriation, have become closer to each other and the possibilities of the working class joining other oppressed around its program have strengthened.

35. In the stage of imperialist globalization, the contradiction between the genders has been sharpened due to the deepening of the contradiction between the social character of production that brings women into social life and the private character of the ownership which reinforces women's home-dependent position, and this constitutes the objective ground of the women's uprising and the women revolution. The exploitation of women as cheap labor has been intensified, female workers have grown in quantity, the link between sexist exploitation and surplus exploitation has been consolidated, capital production has been brought into the home on the ground of home-based precarious exploitation and merged with the domestic slavery, and the sex industry has become globalized. On this basis, the 21st century began as an age of women revolutions. The Lgbti+s, who developed to a social force, have become an important alliance force of the women revolution.

36. The destructive effects of capitalism on nature at the stage of imperialist globalization have reached the level of an ecological crisis that confronts the life of human and living beings with the threat of existence. The struggles against ecological destruction have become one of the important issues of class struggles.

37. Today, filling the gap between the objective conditions and the subjective conditions of the proletarian world revolution, and the establishment and consolidation of the communist vanguard platoons of the working class in each country carry a vital importance. The fulfillment of this task goes through a determined and uncompromising ideological struggle against the ideological attacks of the bourgeoisie and new forms of modern revisionism, as well as maoism, trotskyism, and revisionism from all colors.


