Revolutionary Power of Self-Criticism*
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"The new energy that wakes up among all parts of the vanguard of the

proletariat, the determination in victory and success cause us to feel them. Hope is growing and the happy songs of the constructors are being heard

loudly. The vanguard unit of the proletariat is changing its own situation also in practice. It cleans, renews and purifies itself in the fire of the revolutionary action. The springs of alteration and renewal, which started by all instruments of the great orchestra in themselves, in their positions and areas, will turn to a river that flows loudly by becoming a united whole85" [1]

The revolutionary struggle makes progress by giving numerous sacrifices; numerous experiences of the revolution verify this. But, in many cases, the readiness to make sacrifices of the revolutionaries gains a special and outstanding meaning in terms of the development of the revolutionary vanguard and the struggle. This basic approach makes it possible to understand the special meaning of the martyrdom of Comrade Tuncay Yildirim, whom we lost last year in the resistance house [2] in Izmir, for the Marxist Leninist Communist Party. The subject of this article, of course, is not to deal with this issue. But, it seemed extremely meaningful for us to start here the article that aims to analyze the main lines of the developing course of the Marxist Leninist Communist movement in the last one-year.

The resistance houses, which were opened by the communist vanguard in January 2002 in Izmir and Istanbul, had also carried a meaning and an aim of increasing the revolutionary commitment -that was weak outside the prisons - to the level of the resistances in the prisons. The foundation of the resistance houses, the implementation of the Party decision on this path is also involving a shaking revolutionary impact upon the vanguard itself. The party, one more time, wanted to try and tried her revolutionary determinacy over the F type isolation-cell attack by opening resistance houses outside the prisons. The party was in a search to gain her revolutionary spirit.

Here it will not be wrong to make following definition: The communist vanguard, which has whipped herself with the revolutionary power of criticism and self-criticism, had fought against the political indecision and semi-willingness starting from center to outside; from backbone to all other organs, and made her revolutionary will and political determinacy the subject of an examination through the implementation of the decision to form the resistance houses outside the prisons. The demand of "opening three doors - three locks"[3] that putted forward by the Bars had almost become ownerless after the first initial impact and interest. When the communist vanguard started to act in order to mobilize her forces on the basis of defending the demand, she then start making progress by rowing against the current and by fighting political indecision that both surrounded like a harmful ivy not only her own forces but all revolutionary movement as a whole and pulled antifascist forces into its swamp.

Because of his splendid revolutionary action, the son of the Party, Tuncay, who kicked silently the political indecision among the ranks of the communist vanguard and walked in gravity upon the death at the resistance house in Izmir, has deserved to be remembered as the symbol of rise-up with revolutionary commitment in the history of Marxist Leninist Communist Party.

For example, the efforts spent by the communist vanguard in order to develop the communist work among the women, the direction that it has constructed and the visible results those becoming more concrete, are very important and meaningful. This shows itself not only in the axis of activities of 8 March but also in the 1st December demonstrations against the imperialist war and in all the other activities throughout 2002, including the 3rd November elections.

When we follow the communist press carefully, the great care shown by the communist vanguard on testing self-criticism in the praxis that she has developed in this area will be visible. Again, the efforts on the protection of the route and ensuring continuity will pull the attentions. The desire and direction on putting theory into practice have become an exceptional area of concentration in order to obtain wholeness between word and action. Through the political activities in the period of last one-year, the following can be determined: The communist vanguard, that has shaken herself, has succeeded to correct her route also in practice by creating an important change on her position towards the labourer women.

The May Day of 2002 witnessed the achievements of the communist vanguard's efforts at the main spheres in order to let its own forces to rise-up and mobilize. On the unification, solidarity and struggle day of the world proletariat, in the main spheres a revolutionary practice prevailed on the position of considering summertime as a break for political work and fight.

Here, it must be underlined that the communist vanguard has turned her face to the outside throughout the year of 2002. The communist vanguard made important and valuable progresses on the way of establishing consistency between theory and action by ensuring stability and continuity of her works in the route of "definitely ending the estrangement from the masses, making politics not towards the party but towards the masses and leading the masses to the course".

In the year of 2002, the 3rd November election campaign is the most advanced point where we reached on the way of "overcoming the estrangement from the masses", "making politics toward the masses" and "leading the masses". In terms of being a meaningful signal of the political quality, we must also pull attentions to the election campaign that communist vanguard conducted and succeeded in reaching and contacting with new forces.

The communist vanguard, that is paving itself the way of becoming a leading party, has putted her political activities into the route of making progress and development, and has succeeded in turning her face to the outside, to the masses. The political sensibility, commitment and reflex of the communist vanguard have entered to the developing process, and her revolutionary moral, discipline and self-confidence increased.

It is not necessary for us to draw general balance sheet of recent political activities of the communist vanguard for the objective of this article. But, initially we had to determine the developing direction of the communist vanguard. And this is what we have tried to do above. As it's necessary to emphasize this, again despite repetition:

The communist vanguard has entered into the developing direction both organizationally and politically. Here, we have only mentioned some of the most striking reflections of the communist work that could be seen almost in all areas, and determined the developing direction.

Since the communist vanguard develops politically and organizationally on controllable manner, in that case, what are the revolutionary dynamics of this development? It is maybe quite clear for everyone that no great or meaningful changes happened on the conditions of revolutionary struggle and the communist work in the period of last one-year. So, it means the communist movement did not get strength from a surge of the working class movement or the suburb, youth, woman or Kurdish national democratic movement etc. In that case, we should direct our attentions towards her-own to be able to understand the organizational and political developing dynamics of the Marxist Leninist Communist movement and to understand the internal process of the communist movement.

On 1 May 2002, the communist vanguard announced that she has organized her 3rd Congress successfully. Through its analyses those were reflecting the level, content and impact of the revolutionary self-criticism developing in the ranks of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party, Partinin Sesi (Voice of the Party) was also drawing the lines of the revolutionary dynamics of organizational and political development of the communist vanguard.

By mentioning that the "MLCP's 3rd Congress did not hesitate in dealing with and having debate on all programmatic, strategic, political and organizational subjects that had got to be dealt in seven years of her history". [4] Voice of the Party also reports that there was a hard, shaking and extensive struggle being conducted in the ranks of the communist vanguard.

Again, when Voice of the Party is stating "the 3rd Congress of MLCP have also putted on to the table the period which is characterized with revolutionary spontaneous attitudes, bureaucracy in organizational life and opportunism" [5], it is also pointing the shaking revolutionary power of criticism developing in the ranks of the communist vanguard.

"If we are turning our face to the internal class struggle" says Voice of the Party and summarizes the route of the communist vanguard as follows: "we have to construct the line of definitely ending the estrangement from the masses, make politics not towards the party but towards the masses and thus achieve the line of leading the masses". [6] However, this is also meaningful and explanatory from the point of view of understanding the developing line for the last one-year.

Doubtlessly, the developing struggle, criticism and self-criticism within the ranks of the communist vanguard also have a history that cannot be denied. Because, it is not possible to think that the organizational and political developing line that was started by the communist vanguard in the last one year would be constructed suddenly. Necessarily, there was a preparation work and struggle before the development. Likewise, the communist press gives enlightening datum on the subject.

Just after saying "in all their movements, the Marxists Leninists Communists must glance over, control their connection with the masses and must ensure continuity of principle consistency in order to respond the revolutionary leadership demand of the masses and in order to spring to the level of revolutionary leadership of the masses" [7], Teoride Dogrultu (Direction in Theory), also emphasizes the need for self-criticism in the following words:

"It is very obvious here that the relationship of the vanguard with the masses is forming the main point. And there is the need for the communist vanguard to look at her connection with the masses, to recheck her experiences in a critical revolutionary way together with all of her different levels and elements. Even, such ideological/theoretical work is an ideological precondition of conducting the work in order to 'become the leading party' and in order to respond to the burning revolutionary leadership demand of the masses in Marxist and revolutionary route. If this is going to be a qualitative leap then the communist vanguard must clarify how and in which way she is going to change and develop. And she must direct consciously and systematically." [8]

As it can be seen, Teoride Dogrultu, which was pulling attentions already at the beginning of 2001 to the urgency of self-criticism for the communist vanguard, at the same time, was strongly emphasizing the necessity of putting the communist vanguard's connection with the masses to the center of revolutionary self-criticism. The next issue of Teoride Dogrultu is also deepening on the same line of self-criticism and was specially dealing with the "Connection with the masses in vanguard style". [9] Teoride Dogrultu, which was underlining the "necessity of directing and dovetailing the attention of the vanguard completely towards the masses", simultaneously, was drawing attentions to the fact that "today, the revolutionary will of the communist vanguard is, before anything else, confronting itself with the hard examination to create connections with the masses".

"The vanguard must direct all her activities towards the masses; otherwise it would mean denial of the vanguard herself. Because the reason for the existence of the vanguard is enlightening and organizing the working class and the oppressed millions, to mobilize them against the domination of the capital and the fascist dictatorship in the fight for political freedom and socialism. She will lose her claim on leadership and right of existence in the percentage of distancing from this point". [10

When the communist vanguard started to act with the will of changing her situation, which was not appropriate to the reason of her existence and her great revolutionary claims, the criticism and self-criticism have appeared as a real question, a burning revolutionary need. The criticism and self-criticism is nothing else than communist vanguard to renew her and the effort to revolutionize it. The revolutionary power of the criticism and self-criticism have both started a revolutionary transformation -that spread from center to circle- and awaken the great revolutionary energy -that has directed the vanguard to the masses- in the ranks of the vanguard.

When looking from the inside, the internal change and renewing experienced by the communist vanguard, before anything else, involves the ideological and organizational area. But, at the same time, it carries also elements regarding the revolutionary theory, program and strategy. This is also the meaning of "discussing the period which is characterized by revolutionary spontaneous attitude, bureaucracy in organizational life and opportunism in the political struggle". [11] The political energy -which concretized in the increase of the claim of political leadership, political commitment and sensibility- has become a power revealed by criticism and self-criticism. Because, the communist vanguard had cross-examined the understanding and mentality of "the revolutionary spontaneous attitude" that prevailed as an understanding within the political leadership and the struggle and became dominant in the party activity. In that case, the purposefully effort of shaking revolutionary change and renewing within the ideological and organizational area reflects the outside in the form of revolutionary change and renewing of the political practice.

The propulsive power, the dynamics of the political and organizational developing/ progressing line of the communist vanguard -that become evidential in about one-year period- is the revolutionary power of criticism and self-criticism that she succeeded to develop among her ranks.

Because of the self-criticism, the communist vanguard was able to turn her direction towards progressing in the route of becoming the leading power. Also, she was both able to deepen in self-criticism through ideological, organizational and political achievements and to increase her opportunities to continue in the developing line by leaning on these achievements of her.

The communist vanguard has succeeded in turning her route towards overcoming the estrangement from the masses. But this question has not been solved yet. Therefore, the need on thoughtfully and practically deepening on the self-criticism is still making itself to feel. If the connection of the vanguard with the masses is forming the center of the work for "leadership" or "going to the leading party" than the communist vanguard must check and strengthen her concentration on the masses.

The revolutionary role of the self-criticism that develops from inside to outside in its purging way has been proved once more time by testing of recent practice of the communist vanguard. All markings and remnants of estrangement from the masses must be thrown away, liquidated both in all the existing collectives of the communist vanguard and on the level of cadres. All organizations and cadres must participate in direct mass work and get in direct contact with the masses. All cadres and organizations must be directed to engage with the real theoretical and practical problems of the work that will enable the vanguard to conquer the revolutionary leadership of the masses. The engrossing will of the leadership will continue to play an important role both in the liquidation of estrangement from the masses and in the politics towards the masses and developing the leadership on the masses. However, the final solution of these vital revolutionary tasks is not the question of the self-criticism. But, self-criticism contains making progress in every specific situation at some limits.

In that case, where could the communist vanguard, which wants to put the opportunities of the revolutionary self-criticism -that still exists but are almost exhausted- to the service of her development, find the revolutionary propulsive power in order to ensure continuity of her development via protecting her route on becoming a leading party? Here, we must emphasize that this is a real question for the development of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party. And only "reaching to new forces" and "discovering new ways of development" can be the answer of these questions. Also, the existing opportunities of the self-criticism can only be made useful by protecting the direction of "reaching to new forces" and "discovering new ways of development".

The communist vanguard can advance in her developing route on becoming leader by protecting her direction and commitment by meeting with fresh forces, and also by both bringing these fresh forces into open, by physically collecting these forces in her ranks and by deepening in renewing herself through breathing the air and the spirit of these fresh forces. But, in parallel with that, she can also advance through strengthening her direction and effort on "discovering the new ways of development" and of course by uninterruptedly putting her achievements in this area into the service of the struggle.

Today we must especially underline the following: The communist vanguard can only be able to ensure her continuity of development in the route of becoming a leading party through the way of breathing, collecting the revolutionary strength and energy of those fresh forces. The aim of the criticism and self-criticism developing in the ranks of the communist vanguard, at the end, is to meet with fresh forces. Because, the communist vanguard can only be able to strengthen and stabilize the revolutionary renewing and change -that she has achieved through leaning on to the revolutionary power of criticism and self-criticism- by meeting with fresh forces, which is to say by the new forces that she collected, united and developed in her ranks, so to say by developing a new generation of cadres. Also, she only can uninterruptedly continue her march-forward on the way of becoming a leading party on this basis. Thus, the communist vanguard now must turn her attentions to the fresh forces more strongly.

* Translation of an article of the journal Teoride Dogrultu (Direction in Theory), number 10, January/February 2003

1- from: Yeniden AtA6lA6m Newspaper , 20 April 2002, Editorial"The Word Makes Process in the Action"

2- Centres or houses of resistance, houses in which the political prisoners which had been in death fast continued their death fast outside the prisoners after their tactically temporally release in order to reject the tactics of the State.

3- Demand claiming the raising of the complete isolation of the prisoners by putting at least three people together in one cell.

4- from: Editorial of the 34th issue of Partinin Sesi -Voice of the Party-, illegal published Central Organ of MLCP,

dated March/April/May 2002

5- ibid

6- ibid

7- Teoride Dogrultu (Direction in Theory), No 3, March/April 2001

8- ibid Page 13

9- Article from Teoride Dogrultu, No 4, May/June 2001

10- ibid

11- Partinin Sesi (Voice of the Party), No 34, March/April/May 2002





November September
June March
December January


Revolutionary Power of Self-Criticism*
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"The new energy that wakes up among all parts of the vanguard of the

proletariat, the determination in victory and success cause us to feel them. Hope is growing and the happy songs of the constructors are being heard

loudly. The vanguard unit of the proletariat is changing its own situation also in practice. It cleans, renews and purifies itself in the fire of the revolutionary action. The springs of alteration and renewal, which started by all instruments of the great orchestra in themselves, in their positions and areas, will turn to a river that flows loudly by becoming a united whole85" [1]

The revolutionary struggle makes progress by giving numerous sacrifices; numerous experiences of the revolution verify this. But, in many cases, the readiness to make sacrifices of the revolutionaries gains a special and outstanding meaning in terms of the development of the revolutionary vanguard and the struggle. This basic approach makes it possible to understand the special meaning of the martyrdom of Comrade Tuncay Yildirim, whom we lost last year in the resistance house [2] in Izmir, for the Marxist Leninist Communist Party. The subject of this article, of course, is not to deal with this issue. But, it seemed extremely meaningful for us to start here the article that aims to analyze the main lines of the developing course of the Marxist Leninist Communist movement in the last one-year.

The resistance houses, which were opened by the communist vanguard in January 2002 in Izmir and Istanbul, had also carried a meaning and an aim of increasing the revolutionary commitment -that was weak outside the prisons - to the level of the resistances in the prisons. The foundation of the resistance houses, the implementation of the Party decision on this path is also involving a shaking revolutionary impact upon the vanguard itself. The party, one more time, wanted to try and tried her revolutionary determinacy over the F type isolation-cell attack by opening resistance houses outside the prisons. The party was in a search to gain her revolutionary spirit.

Here it will not be wrong to make following definition: The communist vanguard, which has whipped herself with the revolutionary power of criticism and self-criticism, had fought against the political indecision and semi-willingness starting from center to outside; from backbone to all other organs, and made her revolutionary will and political determinacy the subject of an examination through the implementation of the decision to form the resistance houses outside the prisons. The demand of "opening three doors - three locks"[3] that putted forward by the Bars had almost become ownerless after the first initial impact and interest. When the communist vanguard started to act in order to mobilize her forces on the basis of defending the demand, she then start making progress by rowing against the current and by fighting political indecision that both surrounded like a harmful ivy not only her own forces but all revolutionary movement as a whole and pulled antifascist forces into its swamp.

Because of his splendid revolutionary action, the son of the Party, Tuncay, who kicked silently the political indecision among the ranks of the communist vanguard and walked in gravity upon the death at the resistance house in Izmir, has deserved to be remembered as the symbol of rise-up with revolutionary commitment in the history of Marxist Leninist Communist Party.

For example, the efforts spent by the communist vanguard in order to develop the communist work among the women, the direction that it has constructed and the visible results those becoming more concrete, are very important and meaningful. This shows itself not only in the axis of activities of 8 March but also in the 1st December demonstrations against the imperialist war and in all the other activities throughout 2002, including the 3rd November elections.

When we follow the communist press carefully, the great care shown by the communist vanguard on testing self-criticism in the praxis that she has developed in this area will be visible. Again, the efforts on the protection of the route and ensuring continuity will pull the attentions. The desire and direction on putting theory into practice have become an exceptional area of concentration in order to obtain wholeness between word and action. Through the political activities in the period of last one-year, the following can be determined: The communist vanguard, that has shaken herself, has succeeded to correct her route also in practice by creating an important change on her position towards the labourer women.

The May Day of 2002 witnessed the achievements of the communist vanguard's efforts at the main spheres in order to let its own forces to rise-up and mobilize. On the unification, solidarity and struggle day of the world proletariat, in the main spheres a revolutionary practice prevailed on the position of considering summertime as a break for political work and fight.

Here, it must be underlined that the communist vanguard has turned her face to the outside throughout the year of 2002. The communist vanguard made important and valuable progresses on the way of establishing consistency between theory and action by ensuring stability and continuity of her works in the route of "definitely ending the estrangement from the masses, making politics not towards the party but towards the masses and leading the masses to the course".

In the year of 2002, the 3rd November election campaign is the most advanced point where we reached on the way of "overcoming the estrangement from the masses", "making politics toward the masses" and "leading the masses". In terms of being a meaningful signal of the political quality, we must also pull attentions to the election campaign that communist vanguard conducted and succeeded in reaching and contacting with new forces.

The communist vanguard, that is paving itself the way of becoming a leading party, has putted her political activities into the route of making progress and development, and has succeeded in turning her face to the outside, to the masses. The political sensibility, commitment and reflex of the communist vanguard have entered to the developing process, and her revolutionary moral, discipline and self-confidence increased.

It is not necessary for us to draw general balance sheet of recent political activities of the communist vanguard for the objective of this article. But, initially we had to determine the developing direction of the communist vanguard. And this is what we have tried to do above. As it's necessary to emphasize this, again despite repetition:

The communist vanguard has entered into the developing direction both organizationally and politically. Here, we have only mentioned some of the most striking reflections of the communist work that could be seen almost in all areas, and determined the developing direction.

Since the communist vanguard develops politically and organizationally on controllable manner, in that case, what are the revolutionary dynamics of this development? It is maybe quite clear for everyone that no great or meaningful changes happened on the conditions of revolutionary struggle and the communist work in the period of last one-year. So, it means the communist movement did not get strength from a surge of the working class movement or the suburb, youth, woman or Kurdish national democratic movement etc. In that case, we should direct our attentions towards her-own to be able to understand the organizational and political developing dynamics of the Marxist Leninist Communist movement and to understand the internal process of the communist movement.

On 1 May 2002, the communist vanguard announced that she has organized her 3rd Congress successfully. Through its analyses those were reflecting the level, content and impact of the revolutionary self-criticism developing in the ranks of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party, Partinin Sesi (Voice of the Party) was also drawing the lines of the revolutionary dynamics of organizational and political development of the communist vanguard.

By mentioning that the "MLCP's 3rd Congress did not hesitate in dealing with and having debate on all programmatic, strategic, political and organizational subjects that had got to be dealt in seven years of her history". [4] Voice of the Party also reports that there was a hard, shaking and extensive struggle being conducted in the ranks of the communist vanguard.

Again, when Voice of the Party is stating "the 3rd Congress of MLCP have also putted on to the table the period which is characterized with revolutionary spontaneous attitudes, bureaucracy in organizational life and opportunism" [5], it is also pointing the shaking revolutionary power of criticism developing in the ranks of the communist vanguard.

"If we are turning our face to the internal class struggle" says Voice of the Party and summarizes the route of the communist vanguard as follows: "we have to construct the line of definitely ending the estrangement from the masses, make politics not towards the party but towards the masses and thus achieve the line of leading the masses". [6] However, this is also meaningful and explanatory from the point of view of understanding the developing line for the last one-year.

Doubtlessly, the developing struggle, criticism and self-criticism within the ranks of the communist vanguard also have a history that cannot be denied. Because, it is not possible to think that the organizational and political developing line that was started by the communist vanguard in the last one year would be constructed suddenly. Necessarily, there was a preparation work and struggle before the development. Likewise, the communist press gives enlightening datum on the subject.

Just after saying "in all their movements, the Marxists Leninists Communists must glance over, control their connection with the masses and must ensure continuity of principle consistency in order to respond the revolutionary leadership demand of the masses and in order to spring to the level of revolutionary leadership of the masses" [7], Teoride Dogrultu (Direction in Theory), also emphasizes the need for self-criticism in the following words:

"It is very obvious here that the relationship of the vanguard with the masses is forming the main point. And there is the need for the communist vanguard to look at her connection with the masses, to recheck her experiences in a critical revolutionary way together with all of her different levels and elements. Even, such ideological/theoretical work is an ideological precondition of conducting the work in order to 'become the leading party' and in order to respond to the burning revolutionary leadership demand of the masses in Marxist and revolutionary route. If this is going to be a qualitative leap then the communist vanguard must clarify how and in which way she is going to change and develop. And she must direct consciously and systematically." [8]

As it can be seen, Teoride Dogrultu, which was pulling attentions already at the beginning of 2001 to the urgency of self-criticism for the communist vanguard, at the same time, was strongly emphasizing the necessity of putting the communist vanguard's connection with the masses to the center of revolutionary self-criticism. The next issue of Teoride Dogrultu is also deepening on the same line of self-criticism and was specially dealing with the "Connection with the masses in vanguard style". [9] Teoride Dogrultu, which was underlining the "necessity of directing and dovetailing the attention of the vanguard completely towards the masses", simultaneously, was drawing attentions to the fact that "today, the revolutionary will of the communist vanguard is, before anything else, confronting itself with the hard examination to create connections with the masses".

"The vanguard must direct all her activities towards the masses; otherwise it would mean denial of the vanguard herself. Because the reason for the existence of the vanguard is enlightening and organizing the working class and the oppressed millions, to mobilize them against the domination of the capital and the fascist dictatorship in the fight for political freedom and socialism. She will lose her claim on leadership and right of existence in the percentage of distancing from this point". [10

When the communist vanguard started to act with the will of changing her situation, which was not appropriate to the reason of her existence and her great revolutionary claims, the criticism and self-criticism have appeared as a real question, a burning revolutionary need. The criticism and self-criticism is nothing else than communist vanguard to renew her and the effort to revolutionize it. The revolutionary power of the criticism and self-criticism have both started a revolutionary transformation -that spread from center to circle- and awaken the great revolutionary energy -that has directed the vanguard to the masses- in the ranks of the vanguard.

When looking from the inside, the internal change and renewing experienced by the communist vanguard, before anything else, involves the ideological and organizational area. But, at the same time, it carries also elements regarding the revolutionary theory, program and strategy. This is also the meaning of "discussing the period which is characterized by revolutionary spontaneous attitude, bureaucracy in organizational life and opportunism in the political struggle". [11] The political energy -which concretized in the increase of the claim of political leadership, political commitment and sensibility- has become a power revealed by criticism and self-criticism. Because, the communist vanguard had cross-examined the understanding and mentality of "the revolutionary spontaneous attitude" that prevailed as an understanding within the political leadership and the struggle and became dominant in the party activity. In that case, the purposefully effort of shaking revolutionary change and renewing within the ideological and organizational area reflects the outside in the form of revolutionary change and renewing of the political practice.

The propulsive power, the dynamics of the political and organizational developing/ progressing line of the communist vanguard -that become evidential in about one-year period- is the revolutionary power of criticism and self-criticism that she succeeded to develop among her ranks.

Because of the self-criticism, the communist vanguard was able to turn her direction towards progressing in the route of becoming the leading power. Also, she was both able to deepen in self-criticism through ideological, organizational and political achievements and to increase her opportunities to continue in the developing line by leaning on these achievements of her.

The communist vanguard has succeeded in turning her route towards overcoming the estrangement from the masses. But this question has not been solved yet. Therefore, the need on thoughtfully and practically deepening on the self-criticism is still making itself to feel. If the connection of the vanguard with the masses is forming the center of the work for "leadership" or "going to the leading party" than the communist vanguard must check and strengthen her concentration on the masses.

The revolutionary role of the self-criticism that develops from inside to outside in its purging way has been proved once more time by testing of recent practice of the communist vanguard. All markings and remnants of estrangement from the masses must be thrown away, liquidated both in all the existing collectives of the communist vanguard and on the level of cadres. All organizations and cadres must participate in direct mass work and get in direct contact with the masses. All cadres and organizations must be directed to engage with the real theoretical and practical problems of the work that will enable the vanguard to conquer the revolutionary leadership of the masses. The engrossing will of the leadership will continue to play an important role both in the liquidation of estrangement from the masses and in the politics towards the masses and developing the leadership on the masses. However, the final solution of these vital revolutionary tasks is not the question of the self-criticism. But, self-criticism contains making progress in every specific situation at some limits.

In that case, where could the communist vanguard, which wants to put the opportunities of the revolutionary self-criticism -that still exists but are almost exhausted- to the service of her development, find the revolutionary propulsive power in order to ensure continuity of her development via protecting her route on becoming a leading party? Here, we must emphasize that this is a real question for the development of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party. And only "reaching to new forces" and "discovering new ways of development" can be the answer of these questions. Also, the existing opportunities of the self-criticism can only be made useful by protecting the direction of "reaching to new forces" and "discovering new ways of development".

The communist vanguard can advance in her developing route on becoming leader by protecting her direction and commitment by meeting with fresh forces, and also by both bringing these fresh forces into open, by physically collecting these forces in her ranks and by deepening in renewing herself through breathing the air and the spirit of these fresh forces. But, in parallel with that, she can also advance through strengthening her direction and effort on "discovering the new ways of development" and of course by uninterruptedly putting her achievements in this area into the service of the struggle.

Today we must especially underline the following: The communist vanguard can only be able to ensure her continuity of development in the route of becoming a leading party through the way of breathing, collecting the revolutionary strength and energy of those fresh forces. The aim of the criticism and self-criticism developing in the ranks of the communist vanguard, at the end, is to meet with fresh forces. Because, the communist vanguard can only be able to strengthen and stabilize the revolutionary renewing and change -that she has achieved through leaning on to the revolutionary power of criticism and self-criticism- by meeting with fresh forces, which is to say by the new forces that she collected, united and developed in her ranks, so to say by developing a new generation of cadres. Also, she only can uninterruptedly continue her march-forward on the way of becoming a leading party on this basis. Thus, the communist vanguard now must turn her attentions to the fresh forces more strongly.

* Translation of an article of the journal Teoride Dogrultu (Direction in Theory), number 10, January/February 2003

1- from: Yeniden AtA6lA6m Newspaper , 20 April 2002, Editorial"The Word Makes Process in the Action"

2- Centres or houses of resistance, houses in which the political prisoners which had been in death fast continued their death fast outside the prisoners after their tactically temporally release in order to reject the tactics of the State.

3- Demand claiming the raising of the complete isolation of the prisoners by putting at least three people together in one cell.

4- from: Editorial of the 34th issue of Partinin Sesi -Voice of the Party-, illegal published Central Organ of MLCP,

dated March/April/May 2002

5- ibid

6- ibid

7- Teoride Dogrultu (Direction in Theory), No 3, March/April 2001

8- ibid Page 13

9- Article from Teoride Dogrultu, No 4, May/June 2001

10- ibid

11- Partinin Sesi (Voice of the Party), No 34, March/April/May 2002