Workers and oppressed!
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Statement / Year 20014 / No 3

The fascist dictatorship and the AKP government do not stop to terrorize the working class and the oppressed. They say be silent and bow your head to dictatorship and colonialist order to the workers, women, youth, poor, our Kurdish people, the national minorities, the Alevi, the labourers from the cities and the countryside who are using conquered rights, who want to gain new economic and democratic rights and rise the banner of a free and dignified life. In order to reach that they mobilize the police and carry out a policy of truncheons, rubber bullets, gas, pressurized water, weapons and bombs. The attacks on the worker's resistances in spring and Mayday are recent examples of that policy.
We have made use of the right of the working class and the oppressed to make policy by means of violence, to defend themselves, to ask account and to grow the struggle against this fascist terror and carried out a bomb attack targeting the police of Istanbul. In the evening of May 2, two bombs exploded shortly one after the other in front of the police centre Kayasehir in the district Basaksehir. The people's enemies, who escaped this time only accidentally at the explosion of the second bomb will not always be that lucky. The revolutionary violence will not let those escape who are tyrannizing the labourers, the poor and the youth and are shedding their blood.
Due to our responsibility against our peoples and our action we feel the duty to inform you that this statement is published with delay despite our will.


Down with the dictatorship
Long live Revolution!


May 18, 2014