Turkish capital grows through so-called “labour accidents”
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While Turkey is discussed as one of the fast-growing economies of the world and the AKP government accelerates the legal regulations and other measures for broadening the opportunities for the expansion of the capital inside and outside the country, the fast increase in the number of the so-called "labour accidents" in the first 4 months of 2012 shows clearly the cost of this "economic growth" for the working class.{divide}
Last week, on April 13, a new "labour accident" caused the death of 4 workers in Maras . As a result of an explosion at the jeans-painting company Sirikcioglu Mensucat (belonging to the former provincial president of AKP in Maras), the roof of the fabric fell down, 4 workers died and 9 workers were heavily injured. Workers were buried side-to-side at the graveyard by a funeral with the participation of tens of workers.
Several workers' unions and some revolutionary organisations such as ESP made statements to condemn the so-called "labour accident", which is in fact a direct murder of the capitalists in their search for the maximal-profit, and called upon the workers to take to the streets on May Day. The issue of the so-called "labour accidents" will be one of the main topics of the May Day demonstrations of this year.