Students act for the imprisoned students
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The trial against Ugur Ok continued with a hearing on April 5 at the 10th Heavy Penal Court of Istanbul. He was arrested on September 27, 2006 for "affiliation to an illegal organisation" while he was a student at the Mathematics Faculty of the Balikesir University. He was released after being kept in prison for 4,5 months, however, he was re-imprisoned in April 2009. {divide}
Several actions were carried out for the freedom of Ok, who has become one of the symbols of the students imprisoned for political reasons. The number of them is around 600, but the number changes everyday.
The Initiative "Millions Want Justice", the Initiative for Solidarity with the Imprisoned Students and friends of Ok gathered in front of the court for an action to demand the freedom of Ok and other imprisoned students. They said the following in their statement: "The world number one with more than 600 students, around 100 journalists and thousands of people imprisoned for political reasons, the political power in Turkey is no different than Hitler and his derivations".
The court decided the continuation of the imprisonment of Ugur Ok , such as in the case of Baran Nayir and Ali Deniz Kilic, the students who were taken to the tribunal once more last week and sent back to prison.
In Amed, SGD F organised an action in front of the University of Dicle to draw attention to the situation of the imprisoned students.
Another action was organised in Izmir, where two members of SGDF tried to chain themselves to the building of AKP . They were arrested and beaten and they were set free on the same day.
Besides, the interrogations and penalties of expulsion from schools are being carried out broadly in different universities. The latest example has been the case of 21 students of the Language-History and Geography Faculty of Ankara University, who were interrogated by the universtiy administration because of resisting against the attack of the sivil fascists armed with knives and guns. They were all expulsed from school indefinitely.