“Kizildere is not the end, the war goes on”
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On the 40th anniversary of the historic resistance until death of Mahir Cayan and his friends in Kizildere , the organisations of the HDK Ankara commemorated the revolutionaries at the cemetery Karsiyaka. They reminded the words of the revolutionaries Mahir Cayan, Cihan Alptekin, Omer Ayna, Sinan Kazım Ozudogru, Hudai Arikan, Ahmet Atasoy, Sabahattin Kurt, Ertan Saruhan, Nihat Yılmaz and Saffet Alp "we did not come here to surrender but to die", who were besieged and killed on March 30, 1972 in Kizildere during an action they carried out with the aim of stopping the execution of Deniz Gezmis and his friends. {divide}
In Istanbul, revolutionary and progressive organisations like Halkevleri , ODP , ESP , SDP and BDP carried out a demonstration in memory of the martyrs of Kizildere in Taksim. The demonstrators shouted slogans during the march like "Mahir Cayan is our honour", "Long love revolutionary solidarity", "long live revolution and socialism" commemorating the 10 revolutionaries and their action in Kizildere, which turned into a symbol of revolutionary solidarity in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan.
In Eskisehir, the revolutionary martyrs were also commemorated with a demonstration, where frequently slogans like "Kizildere is not the end, the war goes on" and "long live the brotherhood of the peoples" have been shouted.