Sivas Massacre remains unpunished
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The case against the committers of the Sivas Massacre has been abated due to the lapse of time on March 13.
In Ankara, Alevite organisations as well as democratic mass organisations and revolutionary organisations gathered in front of the Court of Ankara to resist against the impunity, carrying the photos of the intellectuals who were killed in Sivas and shouting the slogan "We want justice!"{divide}
The police forces attacked on the protesters with gas bombs and pressured water from the panzers. Many people were injured during the attacks, mostly because of the gas bombs conducted directly against the bodies. The injured people have been hospitalised. There is a pregnant woman among the injured ones.
In the evening, thousands of people gathered at the Taksim Square in Istanbul to protest the decision and the police attack in Ankara. They opened a banner read " AKP protects the murderers: We will never forget nor forgive Sivas, we will ask account!" and said "Your decision has no validity in the heart of the peoples!"
The action was organised by ESP , EMEP , BDP , ODP , Halkevleri , DHF and Allevite organisations and participated by many other groups. They shouted slogans such as "The justice of AKP protects the murderers!", "The murderer state will pay account!", "Shoulder to shoulder against fascism!" and "This is the justice of AKP!"
The protest actions are announced to be continued. The Trial of Sivas has an important place in the struggle for justice and the decision of the court as well as the police attack represent another clear proof of the fact that this massacre is committed by the state and the murderers are protected.