Demonstration of the KESK for the arrested unionists
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The KESK organised a demonstration on February 26 in Istanbul, Kadikoy Square under the slogan "We don't shut up, we don't be afraid, we don't bow heads". {divide}

The main theme of the protest was the recent operations during which the women leaders and members of the KESK were arrested and sent to prison under the accusation of being members of KCK . The KESK members and various democratic and revolutionary organisations demanded freedom for the KESK prisoners and the other KCK prisoners and the cancellation of the Anti-terror Law (TMY) and the Specially Authorised Courts (OYM). Moreover, demands on the right for collective bargaining for the public employees, end of the flexible and precarious working conditions, cancellation of the law for the privatisation of the health sector were raised by thousands of people who joined the demonstration.
The Istanbul branches of the DISK , TTB , People's Democratic Congress, revolutionary parties such as ESP , progressive parties such as SDP and EMEP and the Kurdish BDP were among those who participated at the action.
The General President of the KESK Lami Ozgen made the main speech of the action where he announced that the KESK is determined to struggle and they will not stay silent in face of the attacks against its members. He informed that 40 members of the KESK, 15 of them women, are in prisons at the moment.