Manifestations for “Freedom for Ocalan” everywhere
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On the 13th anniversary of the international complot by which the Kurdish national leader Abdullah Ocalan was captured and extradited to the Turkish colonialist fascist state on February 15, 1999, tens of thousands of Kurds took to the streets in more than 40 locations in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan.
After the elections in June 2011, the colonialist fascist state and its government of AKP started a wave of military operations against the guerrilla forces, arrested and imprisoned thousands of Kurds and took Ocalan under total isolation, hindering him from receiving any visitation of his lawyers and family. As a respond to this process, KCK recently announced that they will start a new period of struggle starting from this February 15 under the slogan "An azadi, an azadi!" ("Either freedom or freedom!").{divide}
Responding this call of KCK, the Kurdish people increased the struggle in every sphere.
Adana, Adıyaman, Agri, Amed and its districts Ergani, Bismil, Dicle, Kocakoy, Hazro, Silvan and Lice, Antep, Batman, Bitlis, Cizre, Dersim, Erzurum, Hakkari and its district Yuksekova, Hatay, Igdir, Izmir, Istanbul, Kars, Mardin and its districts Derik, Dargecit, Kızıltepe, Nusaybin and Mazidagi, Mersin, Mus, Siirt, Sirnak and its districts Beytussebap and Guclukonak, Urfa and its districts Ceylanpinar, Halfeti Suruc and Viransehir, Van and its districts Ercis and Ozalp were among the places where manifestations of 15th February took place.
All the actions were carried out under the heavy siege of the police forces of the Turkish bourgeois state, while they attacked the masses in Istanbul, Diyarbakir, Batman, Mersin, Halfeti, Cizre, Lice, Yukseova, Hakkari and Derik and the masses clashed with the police. Tens of people were arrested during the manifestations.
In the actions, the Kurdish people condemned the complot of February 15 by raising the slogan "Freedom for Ocalan" and demanded the end of the AKP-led wave of attacks.
Moreover, thousands of prisoners of PKK are protesting the complot and the recent process of military and political attacks through mass hunger strikes. The imprisoned MPs from BDP Selma Irmak and Faysal Sariyildiz are also on hunger strike. To support the hunger strikes, all the MPs of BDP have announced a 2-day hunger strike starting from the 20th of February.
Also in the BDP buildings in different cities and districts such as Urfa, Mardin, Sirnak, Van, Adana and Diyarbakir, Kurdish people go on hunger strikes to support the prisoners' hunger strikes and to protest the complot.