State terror against BDP: 103 raids in 17 provinces
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The colonialist fascist state terror against the Kurdish freedom struggle in political and military fields that has been increasing since the general elections in 2011 continued with police raids against 103 different targets in 17 provinces on January 13. Among the targeted places were the provincial and district offices of BDP, municipality buildings, local branches of IHD , local branches of the trade unions Egitim-Sen and Tum-Bel-Sen affiliated to the KESK and houses. {divide}More than 30 BDP members were arrested at the raids, while member of the executive board of BDP and the former general president of DEHAP TuncelBakirhan, co-vice-presidents of BDP FatmaKurtulan and FilizKocali, responsible for Law and Colective Contracts of KESK IsmetAslan and correspondent of the news agency DIHA are among the arrested. Moreover, the police raided and searched the house of MP LeylaZana and confiscated her computer given by the National Congress of Turkey and her personal documents.
The state terror was responded with broad and widespread protests in many cities in Northern Kurdistan as well a Turkey in front of the BDP offices. Peoples' Democratic Congress and the KESK were among those who protested the attacks. Tens of thousands of people participated in the protests and announced that the terror of the colonialist state will not be able to stop the struggle for freedom. They said "we will not surrender before fascism!"
The Executive Board of KCK made a statement and called upon the Kurdish youth to fulfil their duty against the unlimited fascist measures of AKP . KCK stated that the first duty is to fill the places of those who have been arrested in all fields.