Human rights violation in 2011
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The Istanbul branch of the IHD organized a march in the centre of Istanbul on the occasion of the week of human rights. During this action, the IHD informed about the violations of human rights stating that in the first 11 month of 2011 330 persons have been killed in confrontations, 19 persons have been assassinated in extra-legal killings, and 812 persons applied to the IHD because of torture and maltreatment. {divide}Moreover, the right of assembly and the right to demonstrate have been seriously violated by the colonialist fascist Turkish regime. According to the IHD, 6 persons were killed through brutal interventions of the state, 271 persons have been wounded, 6800 persons have been detained and 3800 persons imprisoned. In Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, 71 journalists are still in prison and several human right activists of the IHD are also among the prisoners. Especially the mass detention and imprisonment of thousands of Kurdish activists and the recent imprisonment of 38 lawyers in the context of the so called " KCK operations" can be compared only with the measures during the military coup.