The commemoration events for the martyrs of revolution started in London
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The first one of the events organised under the name "We follow their footsteps" in commemoration of the martyrs of the party and the revolution within the context of the November the Martyrs' Month started in London. Approximately 500 immigrant workers gathered for the event that took place on November 5. The event started with a minute of silence for the memory of Alfonso Cano and for the martyr HPG guerrillas on behalf of all who have fallen for the revolution and socialism. {divide}
The programme of the event included speeches made by the families of the martyrs, the speech of the MLCP representative and the speech of the MP of BDP Ertugrul Kurkcu. Several musicians and an a folkloric dances team took stage in the event and the participants continuously shouted out the slogans "Long Live our party MLCP", "Kurdistan will be a grave for fascism", "Long live revolution, long live socialism".