Actions against the antimissile shield
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Against the decision of the AKP government to establish a NATO Antimissile Shield System in Kurecik /Malatya, platforms of struggle have been formed in many cities and the protests against the decision are growing. The AKP has accepted the antimissile system as a result of the diplomatic negotiations for the liquidation of PKK . The Antimissile Shield stands for protecting Zionist Israel from possible attacks of Iran. {divide}
On September 24, Platform against the Antimissile Shield in Malatya carried out its first action. The Malatya citizens gathered in front of the Malatya Branch of Egitim-Sen . They opened a banner read "Out of the NATO! We won't be shields of imperialism!" and shouted slogans such as "We won't be shields of Zionism", "Murderer US, collaborationist AKP!" during their march towards the Soykan Square. In their statement to the press, they exposed NATO as the bloody war organisation of imperialism. They expressed that the NATO tries to protect the interests of the USA in the Middle East and Israel.
The people of Malatya are preparing themselves for the rally on October 2 against the NATO antimissile shield. Many people from Maras , Antep, Mersin, Adana, Izmir and Istanbul will come to Malatya for the rally. They will march towards the former NATO basis in the province, which was opened in the 1960s and closed down in the 1990s, since it is the planned place of situating the antimissile system.
On September 23, "Platform against the NATO and Antimissile Shield of Ankara" made a manifestation in Kızılay.
On September 25, citizens of Malatya living in Istanbul made an action in Taksim Square. Hundreds of people gathered there shouting slogans against the antimissile shield. They exposed the hypocrisy of the AKP government that speaks against Israel on the one hand and undertakes important steps for the protection of the same on the other hand.
The Platform against the NATO and the Antimissile Shield in Istanbul made a rally towards Dolmabahce on September 25.
In Adana, members of the Solidarity Association with Kurecik made an action in Inonu Park.
DISK was among those who reacted against the antimissile project. On September 27, DISK made a statement that condemns the government for collaboration with NATO, USA and Israel.