Colonialist fascist police attacks the peace demonstration in Istanbul
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In Istanbul, the demonstration at the Kadikoy Square for peace on World Peace Day September 1st was violently attacked by the police with gas bombs. The meeting was organized by BDP , ESP , EMEP , Socialist Party, EDP, SODAP , KESK , Peace Mothers and many other antifascist, anti-colonialist and revolutionary organisations and of course the main agenda of the traditional demonstration was the latest offence of the Turkish bourgeois state on Kurdistan. The Organising Committee ended the demonstration before it started because of the attack. 60 protesters were arrested during the clashes with the police. Furthermore, all the members of the 8-person-Organising Committee were arrested with the special demand of the prosecutors. 15 of the arrested are under the age of 18. {divide}
Demonstrations for peace were organized also in Amed, Antep, Izmir and many other cities. Main demand of the actions participated by tens of thousands of people was immediate withdrawal of the Turkish army from Southern Kurdistan and a democratic solution to the Kurdish question.