ESP protests against the military operations
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The Socialist Party of the Oppressed ( ESP ) protested against the attacks of the Turkish colonialist fascism on Kurdistan.
The Diyarbakir (Amed) Branch of ESP made a manifestation on August 23 in the Ofis AZC Square opening a banner read "Stop the military and political operations! We want a just, dignified and democratic peace!" They gave information about the balance of the first days of the operations in Southern Kurdistan and stated that the AKP government has been planning such war process for several months. They expressed that the AP government does not only fight against the Kurdish people but also against the progressive, revolutionary and socialist forces of Turkey and called upon the Turkish intellectuals, democrat and revolutionaries to show solidarity. {divide}
On August 26, the Diyarbakir Branch of EP announced that they will support the human shields action through the participation of a delegation of ESP consisting of the provincial presidents of Diyarbakir, Antep, Dersim and Malatya branches and other provincial leaders of the party.
The Central Bureau of ESP called upon the Turkish youth to support the human shields action of Peace Mothers and the peace march announced by the DTK that will start on August 27. ESP's call carry the title "No to the death of the young people, stop this war!"