Manifestations in Southern Kurdistan against the air bombings
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The Kurdish people in the Federal Kurdistan Region (Southern Kurdistan) react against the bombings of the Turkish colonialist fascist state.
In Sulaymaniyah, hundreds of Kurdish people gathered in Carqurne on August 24 to condemn the attack of Turkey and Iran against the Federal Kurdistan region. They carried banners, Kurdish flags and the photos of those who were killed in the recent bombings of the Turkish Air Forces. The protesters also called upon the government of Federal Kurdistan region to take a more serious stand against the attacks.{divide}
In Hewler (Arbil), protesters from "Enough Is Enough with Turkey" and the "Patriotic Kurdish Youth Initiatives", among them representatives of 200 different democratic mass organisations, made a manifestation in front of the Turkish Embassy. There happened a small conflict with the local police forces who tried to hinder the mass from marching towards the embassy. The protesters threw their shoes to the embassy and shouted "Erdogan the killer!" They urged the Turkish state to stop the attacks and operations in the Federal Kurdistan Region.