In Egypt, the revolutionary action and power of the people has chased away Mubarak
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The revolutionary process going on for days in Egypt has forced H. Mubarak to flee. The resignation of Mubarak is the result of the decision-making power of the Egyptian peoples' action. Just when it was expected that the uprising is about to end, the working class and the labourers of Egypt interfered with strikes and resistances growing the decisiveness and action. This situation pushed the US and EU imperialists, Israel, the army and the reactionary forces of Egypt to re-evaluate the situation.{divide}
Doubtlessly, the fact that the performer of the fascist dictatorship in Egypt, Hosni Mubarak went away does not mean that a new order according to the demand of the Egyptian people for freedom and justice has been founded. The fact that the peoples uprising do not have a revolutionary leadership makes the work of other reactionary forces within and without the country easier. In Egypt, the army, the collaborator with Israel Omer Suleyman, the apparatus of the old regime and the state are still remaining untouched in their old places.
The revolutionary process is going on. The future of Egypt will take shape according to the level of the conscious elements; the political actors and factors´ participation and the balance of power in the spontaneous process.
The Revolutionary Youth Coalition (the platform of the youth organisations of all oppositional political organisations and orientations) has announced that the revolution is going on and that they will continue to struggle until the emergency state is cancelled, all political prisoners freed, the parliament dissolved and a new constitution adopted like they demand.
In any case, the revolutionary process has become an important political lesson and experience of the people of Egypt for coming class wars. And Egypt will not be the old Egypt anymore. The ground and the opportunities for revolutionary organisations and activities are much stronger today in Egypt and in the Middle East.