Egypt scenes in Ankara
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Members of trade-unions and professional bodies like DISK , KESK , TMMOB , and TTB are continuing their protests against the „bag law", which is in preparation by the Turkish parliament. The workers and labourers, who wanted to protest building a human chain around the parliament building, were attacked by thousands of police agents with gas bombs and water cannons. The governor declared the meeting as illegal. The AKP government and the capital were frightened by the actions in Tunisia and Egypt and the attacks carried out revengeful with a real war concentration did not rank behind the scenes of Tunisia and Egypt. {divide}
The labourers shouted slogans like the following ones against the law seizing the rights won in struggle concerning the working conditions of the workers and labourers, opening the way for outsourcing and subcontracting, flexible work and considering the interests of the collaborating monopoly capital regarding training periods and other regulations: "The end of Tayyip will be holy" (The Turkish word (of Arabian origin) for holy is "mübarek" - just like the name of the Egyptian dictator), "take your bag and stick it up your..." and "Long live class solidarity". Parties, organisations, labour organisations and trade bodies like ESP , SDP , Socialist Party and TOP also participated in the action.
In Istanbul, members of the ESP blocked the traffic at the bridge of Unkapani supporting both the action in Ankara as well as greeting the peoples of Tunisia and Egypt saying "Tayyip, it is your turn now!".
They working class and the labourers of Turkey and North Kurdistan are also gave a signal of a process of actions with their demands against poverty and unemployment and for freedoms...