MLCP militants are commemorating the martyrs
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Our party, the Marxist Leninist Communist Party has determined the November as month of the martyrs of the party and revolution and therefore, the MLCP militias commemorated the martyrs with various actions.{divide}
At the memorial event organised in this context, the militants of the MLCP took an oath stating that no obstacle which may appear in front of them will be able to prevent them in the struggle for revolution. In a statement the following was expressed: "Comrades, like our comrades, who did never hesitate even to become a martyr in the struggle against the enemy for years in Turkey and Kurdistan for revolution and socialism, for the liberation of our people, who became martyrs in order to raise the flag of the party, to raise the class struggle of our party MLCP without hesitating in the torture chambers, at the barricades and in the prisons and Orhan Yilmazkaya said: `We will fall, however after us this struggle will continue for sure´. Like it goes on for thousands of years. Like it goes on since those like Thomas Münzer, Sheik Bedrettin, Mahir Cayan , Ibrahim Kaypakkaya and Deniz Gezmis. Like our martyrs also said; we take oath on the party and on the martyrs to continue this way without hesitating and not doubting before any obstacle which may appear in front of us...".
Moreover, the militants of the MLCP put up dozens of banners in various districts of Istanbul in order to commemorate the martyrs of the party and of revolution. They also wrote slogans like "Erdal Balci is immortal", "The fear of the state is the army of the MLCP" and "The martyrs of the party and the revolution are immortal" on the walls from the Anatolian side to the European side of Istanbul.