Mayday was celebrated at Taksim after 33 years
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After 33 years Mayday could again be celebrated at Taksim Square as a result of the firm struggle of workers and labourers especially in the last years. 250,000 people met at three different points and marched together to the traditional Mayday square.{divide}
From the morning hours on, the march Mayday was played. DISK and KESK and after them among others TMMOB , Halk Cephesi, Halkevleri , DHF , Partizan, Pir Sultan Abdal Kültür Dernegi, 78'liler Vakfi, and political parties such as SP, SDP , EHP , ESP , BDP as well as a high number of different democratic organisations set off from Sisli, which was the most lively of the three wings. Turk-Is , ODP , EMEP and other parties set off from Sishane and Hak-Is, Memur-Sen and TKP from Gumussuyu.
Taksim Square, which was declared to Mayday Square, was totally coloured, many different banners and posters were carried despite the fact that the police had surrounded the square with barricades and searched anyone entering the square. There were also banners in Kurdish and Armenian calling for the fraternity of the peoples. The masses were celebrating totally enthusiastic their victory of having re-conquered Taksim.
The main topics of the Mayday celebration were poverty, crisis, unemployment and also the enlightenment of the massacre of 1977. The masses frequently shouted slogans for peace and brotherhood and also the slogans "Long live Mayday" and "This is Taksim, this is Mayday" was frequently shouted. In the middle of the labouring masses, our party MLCP and the TKP/ML opened banners, too