Ahmet Turk attacked
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On April 12, the former co-president of DTP Ahmet Türk has been slugged by civil fascists supported by the police in Samsun where he went in order to observe the trial about the massacre in Bulanik. In the district Bulanik of Mus, a shopkeeper known as a close person to JITEM had opened fire on people and killed two Kurdish patriots last December. Turk was attacked right after a press statement in front of the court. He was together with some MPs from BDP . As result of the attack, his nose was broken and several parts of his face were injured. The MP from BDP Sirri Sakik who was also together with Turk stressed that this incident happened under the observation of the police. {divide}
Many similar trials, at first place the trial about the Gazi Massacre and that about the killing of 12-year-old Ahmet Kaymaz with 13 bullets, were carried out in cities far away from where exactly the massacre took place and with high level of organisation of the fascists. By this way, both the relatives of the victims were hindered from defending their case and the ground for fascist provocations was created.
The attack against Turk was responded with strong protests. BDP as well as KCK and all Kurdish organisations condemned the attack through press statements, while PKK leader Ocalan, during the recent meeting with his lawyers in Imrali, drew attention to the fact that it was a planned attack. In many cities of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, mass protests were carried out against the attack. In Hakkari and in the district Baskale of Van, the police attacked on thousands of people who participated at the protests. The protest march in Taksim, Istanbul also faced the hindering of the police. Another statement condemning the attack came from 600 political prisoners in the D Type prison of Diyarbakir.