With the power of Newroz to Mayday
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Newroz 2010 was equal to a referendum, where the Kurdish people made known their political will. Millions of Kurds announced unanimously that the addressees for a democratic solution of the Kurdish question are Abdullah Ocalan, Kandil and the BDP .


01 April 2010 /International Bulletin / No: 92


These years' celebrations of Newroz have been a high point of the national Kurdish liberation movement. All over Kurdistan as well as in Turkey 4 millions took to the streets demanding loudly and determinedly freedom and peace.
In Amed, the biggest Newroz meeting until today took place with far more than one million of participants. However, not only in the four parts of Kurdistan, but also in Turkey the biggest Newroz demonstrations in history took place. Only in Istanbul 400 thousand people gathered at the Newroz meeting organised by the Platform for Peace and a Democratic Solution. It had a special meaning for the urgently needed unity of the national Kurdish liberation movement with the masses of Turkish workers and labourers that also a representative of the TEKEL workers, who are resisting for months, was among the speakers of the Newroz meeting. Another sign for the growing sensibility for the Kurdish question and the call for a just peace gaining strength in the West was the participation of the Platform of Conscientious Objectors, which is calling to refuse to do military service in the colonialist Turkish army and not shed the blood of brothers. These examples are showing clearly that the fraternization of the Turkish and the Kurdish people, a united struggle of the workers and labourers of both nations against the colonialist fascist regime is not only necessary but also possible.
However, it has to be said that the masses of Turkish workers and labourers and their revolutionary and democratic organisations are still not playing sufficiently their role in the solution of the Kurdish question. Meanwhile millions of labouring Kurds took to the street on Newroz demanding peace and a democratic solution, there can be still no question of a mass mobilisation of the Turkish labourers. One reason for this is the weak interest of labour organisations like KESK and DISK , however another important reason is also the narrow-minded views of the revolutionary forces, which do not develop their own, active policy concerning the Kurdish question but are limiting themselves in many cases with criticising the Kurdish liberation movement from outside instead of showing efforts to mobilize the Turkish labourers. However, for a labouring solution a mass mobilisation in Turkey is absolutely necessary because only if the national Kurdish liberation movement and the Turkish workers and labourers realize each other as addressees for the problem, a just and democratic solution according to the interests of the labourers will be possible. In order to achieve this, the political representatives of the Turkish people have to fulfil an important mission; to free the Turkish working class from the impact of Kemalism and Chaivinism and to win them for a just peace.
Newroz 2010 was equal to a referendum, where the Kurdish people made known their political will. Millions of Kurds announced unanimously that the addressees for a democratic solution of the Kurdish question are Abdullah Ocalan, Kandil and the BDP. Newroz has shown once more that the colonialist fascist Turkish regime and its AKP government are not looking for a solution, for an addressee but are continuing their traditional policy of negation and annihilation under another name. However this new face of the old policy, the "Kurdish initiative" has failed completely on Newroz because the red-yellow-green sea of flags all over Turkey and Kurdistan has proved that it will be impossible to find a solution without taking into account the will of millions of people.
Only few days after the Newroz actions taking place also in many European countries with mass participation, the Belgian state made a step back on March 25 by setting free the seven persons, among them the chairman of the Presidential Board of Kongra-Gel, Remzi Kartal and Zubeyir Aydar, member of the Leadership Council of the KCK , who have been imprisoned after the operations from March 4 in Brussels directed against Roj TV, KNK and the BDP.
At the same time, although the repression of the Turkish bourgeois state against the national Kurdish liberation movement is continuing to a high degree. Since April 14, 2009 more than 900 Kurdish patriots have been put behind bars, moreover a prison sentence of 1777 years in total is demanded for 20 Kurdish MPs. But not enough with that, with the beginning of spring the preparations of extensive military operations of the Turkish army have started. Thousands of soldiers, special units and heavy weapons have been posted in Kurdistan and at the end of March, the operations already started at some places like at the Cudi mountain near Sirnak. It is especially remarkable that signs for an operation in Southern Kurdistan increased after the US State Secretary's visit in Turkey.
The colonialist fascist dictatorship has not reacted at all to the "Declaration for a Democratic Solution and Peace" published on February 2, 2010 by the KCK; the only answer is to continue the dirty war at all levels. The regime is not able to find a solution in the Kurdish question. Neither the speculation in religious feelings nor the attempts of the AKP government - which amount to liquidation of the Kurdish liberation movement - to integrate the Kurds into the system or rather create Kurds according to their own ideas, have been successful. The discussions about the constitutional reform are also showing that the new package of the AKP has nothing to do with a solution for the Kurdish question. The president of the Presidential Board of the KCK Murat Karayilan states about that: "The Kurds do not occur in the package. The constitution from September 12 has to be changed fundamentally. Without abolishing the %10 threshold at the elections and the anti-terror-laws nobody will believe in sincerity towards the Kurds. The Kurds can neither approve nor support these changes. The solution of the problem is possible with a basic constitutional reform. As an elementary component the Kurds have to have their place within the constitution."
After the powerful and mass demonstrations at Newroz it is now necessary to organise with this energy a powerful Mayday putting more than ever the common demands of the Kurdish and Turkish workers and labourers in the centre of attention.





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With the power of Newroz to Mayday
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Newroz 2010 was equal to a referendum, where the Kurdish people made known their political will. Millions of Kurds announced unanimously that the addressees for a democratic solution of the Kurdish question are Abdullah Ocalan, Kandil and the BDP .


01 April 2010 /International Bulletin / No: 92


These years' celebrations of Newroz have been a high point of the national Kurdish liberation movement. All over Kurdistan as well as in Turkey 4 millions took to the streets demanding loudly and determinedly freedom and peace.
In Amed, the biggest Newroz meeting until today took place with far more than one million of participants. However, not only in the four parts of Kurdistan, but also in Turkey the biggest Newroz demonstrations in history took place. Only in Istanbul 400 thousand people gathered at the Newroz meeting organised by the Platform for Peace and a Democratic Solution. It had a special meaning for the urgently needed unity of the national Kurdish liberation movement with the masses of Turkish workers and labourers that also a representative of the TEKEL workers, who are resisting for months, was among the speakers of the Newroz meeting. Another sign for the growing sensibility for the Kurdish question and the call for a just peace gaining strength in the West was the participation of the Platform of Conscientious Objectors, which is calling to refuse to do military service in the colonialist Turkish army and not shed the blood of brothers. These examples are showing clearly that the fraternization of the Turkish and the Kurdish people, a united struggle of the workers and labourers of both nations against the colonialist fascist regime is not only necessary but also possible.
However, it has to be said that the masses of Turkish workers and labourers and their revolutionary and democratic organisations are still not playing sufficiently their role in the solution of the Kurdish question. Meanwhile millions of labouring Kurds took to the street on Newroz demanding peace and a democratic solution, there can be still no question of a mass mobilisation of the Turkish labourers. One reason for this is the weak interest of labour organisations like KESK and DISK , however another important reason is also the narrow-minded views of the revolutionary forces, which do not develop their own, active policy concerning the Kurdish question but are limiting themselves in many cases with criticising the Kurdish liberation movement from outside instead of showing efforts to mobilize the Turkish labourers. However, for a labouring solution a mass mobilisation in Turkey is absolutely necessary because only if the national Kurdish liberation movement and the Turkish workers and labourers realize each other as addressees for the problem, a just and democratic solution according to the interests of the labourers will be possible. In order to achieve this, the political representatives of the Turkish people have to fulfil an important mission; to free the Turkish working class from the impact of Kemalism and Chaivinism and to win them for a just peace.
Newroz 2010 was equal to a referendum, where the Kurdish people made known their political will. Millions of Kurds announced unanimously that the addressees for a democratic solution of the Kurdish question are Abdullah Ocalan, Kandil and the BDP. Newroz has shown once more that the colonialist fascist Turkish regime and its AKP government are not looking for a solution, for an addressee but are continuing their traditional policy of negation and annihilation under another name. However this new face of the old policy, the "Kurdish initiative" has failed completely on Newroz because the red-yellow-green sea of flags all over Turkey and Kurdistan has proved that it will be impossible to find a solution without taking into account the will of millions of people.
Only few days after the Newroz actions taking place also in many European countries with mass participation, the Belgian state made a step back on March 25 by setting free the seven persons, among them the chairman of the Presidential Board of Kongra-Gel, Remzi Kartal and Zubeyir Aydar, member of the Leadership Council of the KCK , who have been imprisoned after the operations from March 4 in Brussels directed against Roj TV, KNK and the BDP.
At the same time, although the repression of the Turkish bourgeois state against the national Kurdish liberation movement is continuing to a high degree. Since April 14, 2009 more than 900 Kurdish patriots have been put behind bars, moreover a prison sentence of 1777 years in total is demanded for 20 Kurdish MPs. But not enough with that, with the beginning of spring the preparations of extensive military operations of the Turkish army have started. Thousands of soldiers, special units and heavy weapons have been posted in Kurdistan and at the end of March, the operations already started at some places like at the Cudi mountain near Sirnak. It is especially remarkable that signs for an operation in Southern Kurdistan increased after the US State Secretary's visit in Turkey.
The colonialist fascist dictatorship has not reacted at all to the "Declaration for a Democratic Solution and Peace" published on February 2, 2010 by the KCK; the only answer is to continue the dirty war at all levels. The regime is not able to find a solution in the Kurdish question. Neither the speculation in religious feelings nor the attempts of the AKP government - which amount to liquidation of the Kurdish liberation movement - to integrate the Kurds into the system or rather create Kurds according to their own ideas, have been successful. The discussions about the constitutional reform are also showing that the new package of the AKP has nothing to do with a solution for the Kurdish question. The president of the Presidential Board of the KCK Murat Karayilan states about that: "The Kurds do not occur in the package. The constitution from September 12 has to be changed fundamentally. Without abolishing the %10 threshold at the elections and the anti-terror-laws nobody will believe in sincerity towards the Kurds. The Kurds can neither approve nor support these changes. The solution of the problem is possible with a basic constitutional reform. As an elementary component the Kurds have to have their place within the constitution."
After the powerful and mass demonstrations at Newroz it is now necessary to organise with this energy a powerful Mayday putting more than ever the common demands of the Kurdish and Turkish workers and labourers in the centre of attention.