Freedom to Guler Zere
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The Platform To Struggle Against Isolation, among them TAYAD , ESP , DHF , realised a 3-days lasting hunger strike at Okmeydani Sibel Yalcin Park, Istanbul demanding the release of Guler Zere. {divide}

TAYAD chairman lawyer Behic Asci made a statement saying that they wouldn't let Guler Zere dy and called to stop the policy of silent annihilation in the prisons. At the action, a banner was opened read „Stop the arbitrariness. Release Guler Zere" and slogans demanding freedom to Guler Zere were shouted. During the hunger strike, films were shown and events realised like reading out poems. After 3 days the organisations made a common statement warning the authorities and the medico-legal medicine saying that this action was a warning to the rulership. They declared that it would be the rulership and the legal medicine responsible in case of Guler Zere's death.
On the international level, actions of solidarity for Guler Zere have continued. On October 17, ASP, SLL, and CARC carried a banner demanding freedom to Guler Zere at a central demonstration against racism in Rome. 37-year old Guler Zere has been behind bars for 14 years and has cancer. Guler Zere has been hindered to receive medical treatment outside the prison and is lying in bed chained in prison receiving treatment there. More information is provided on