Youth actively protesting IMF
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Young women of LOB chained themselves at the Maiden's Tower in Istanbul, on September 30 to protest the IMF. The young women opened a banner read "Isyan-bul doesn't want IMF" (Isyan means uprising in Turkish) and shouted slogans such as "Down with IMF, DB and imperialism" and "On October 6-7, let's go on the streets, to the actions and struggle" at the action that lasted for one hour. The young women were arrested after one hour by the police. {divide}
To protest IMF, youth of SGD occupied the office of the AKP at Sisli, Istanbul on October 1. They hanged up a banner on the windows of the office on which it said "IMF get lost" and shouted the slogan "Istanbul will corner the IMF". When they were arrested they shouted "Against unemployment, poverty and hunger, we will make Istanbul become narrow to IMF".