Protests in Istanbul against the IMF continue
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Protests in Istanbul against IMF and WB have continued. At a meeting with students organised at Dolapdere Campus of Bilgi University, a student threw his shoes at IMF president Dominique Strauss-Kahn shouting "IMF get lost". {divide}
On October 3, Egitim-Sen members and high school and university students gathered at Taxim Tram Station and marched barefoot to Galatasaray Square. In a statement made, they said that this action was to defend their rights on transport, health, education and housing that are tried to be usurped with the IMF policies. "Health for free, education for free, transport for free" was one of the slogans that were outstanding at the action.
Besides Istanbul, actions were organised in Ankara, Mersin and Izmir. In Izmir, different organisations, among them Partizan and ESP , said: "We will push IMF on the dustbin of history in the same way as we pushed the 6th Fleet into the sea". Progressive and revolutionary organisations in Ankara gathered in front of the WB office and opened a banner read "Stand up against the imperialists and its collaborators for your future and labour. IMF and WB get lost".