HPG guerrillas’ funeral attended by masses
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10 thousands of people participated in the funeral of 5 HPG guerrillas who had been killed in the operations carried out by the Turkish state with chemical arms in the countryside of Hakkari between September 8-15. {divide}The bodies of the guerrillas Salih Gulec and Aliye Timur were taken from the mortuary of Hakkari state hospital and sent to their homecities. Aliye Timur was buried in Van by nearly 80,000. Her body was carried by the women on their shoulders. During the funeral the mass was shouting the Kurdish slogans "Şehîd namirin" and "Bijî Serok Apo". The funeral of the HPG guerrilla Salih Gulec in Silopi was attended by more than 50,000 people. The masses shouted the slogans "Bijî Serok Apo" and "The PKK is the people, the people is here" at a march that took place during the funeral.