One revolutionary released at FESK trial
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One revolutionary out of 4 accused of having realised more than 100 bombing actions, among them the actions against the NATO summit and Bush, and accused of being members of FESK, was released in the trial today. {divide}
3 revolutionaries had been arrested on October 3, 2004 in Eskisehir and later on imprisoned and convicted to several times life-time. The 4th of them had been detained after that and convicted to 7,5 years of prison because of a finger print on a book and thus, being a member of an illegal party. The trial that was cancelled by the Supreme Court of Appeals as there were not enough proofs for the accusations was restarted today. At the first hearing, one revolutionary having been behind bars for 5 years without any proof was released. The next hearing was set for November 10, 2009.