Nazi methods in Turkey: Oppositionals burned alive in boiler
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The brutal methods of killing used by the state in Turkey in the 80ies and 90ies in its dirty war against the Kurdish people have continued to be exposed. The confessions made recently by former counter guerrilla members show "Nazi methods" by the Turkish state against the Kurdish people and other oppositionals. As a result of the confession of the JITEM member Abdulkadir Aygan, some mass graves had been found. In the excavations made at the acid wells belonging to BOTAS company and at some other places, hundreds of human bones, pieces of clothes and ropes had been found. It had also been made clear that a body was found at the cemetery for people with no families who had been dispappeared under arrest since 1995.{divide}
With the confession of the counter guerrilla member Yildirim Begler, a new confession was made in addition to the former ones of the counter guerrilla members. Begler, who had been "a contracted interpreter" of the general staff in Kurdistan for 14 years, made important statements on the dirty war applications of the Turkish state that were published in an interview at Sabah newspaper. Begler said in this interview that they had been advised to kill 1000 people whose names were on a list called "black list". Begler also said the following: "There were nearly 300 PKK activists. There were real PKK fighters among them, too. Those were the ones in the mountains. In Erus, here and there...The ones remaining were also noted down on the list. Those whose names were on the black list were killed. Those killed were either burned in heating boilers or thrown out of a helicopter. Mumcu was killed by the state." By that, Begler confessed that it has been the state carrying out the massacres called extra-legal killings. The question "Was there anyone returning among those you arrested?" was answered by Begler that only one person was released by them and that the rest had been killed.
Yildirim Begler explained that the public prosecutors knew about the torture and turning a blind eye: "Torture was a normal thing. My duty was interpreting. For example, a man is tortured. I interpret the words coming out of his mouth. Torture happened right in front of my eyes. The majority died from torture. There happened such things that I think their traces will never be gone. How do you want to take them in front of the public prosecutor? What is the public prosecutor going to say to you? The public prosecutors said that we should take these people away again and that they don't want to see them."
Begler added that they also tortured people by giving an injection that they threw those who had died from the injection out of helicopters and how they killed the journalist Ugur Mumcu. In the interview he also gave other information on the dirty war practice, such as that they had gone to the villages dressed as guerrillas, that they had killed the leader of the village guards, fuel oil and gas trafficking, satellite trade and that they had received money for putting down the names of businessmen on the black list. Begler said that he continued to receive money from the state until 3 months ago. When 2 JITEM members were killed, a befriended officer warned him "they will kill you, too" and that he went to Romania.