International solidarity with the arrested socialists
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The arrest of 57 socialists on March 10 in the raids on revolutionary and socialist organisations carried out in 6 cities at the same time was also protested on the international level. {divide} The “Proletarian Newspaper” and “Zaschita” workers unions from Russia sent a solidarity message demanding the immediate release of the arrested. Students from Sofia, Bulgaria, sent protest e-mails to Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Minister of Internal Affairs Besir Atalay, Minister of Justice M. Ali Sahin and President of the Republic Abdullah Gul criticizing the violation of democratic rights through fascist laws. The Students' Trade-Union of Croatia published a statement in which it protested against the raids on the offices and houses of the activists and demanded the immediate release of the arrested. The following was said in the statement: “We want the Turkish state to end the oppression on the labour activists, students, women and human rights activists by using the so-called anti-terror laws.”

The ASP from Italia made a written statement, too, protesting the Turkish regime’s new wave of attack with the following words: “This new repression wave by the Turkish police attempts to put under attack once and for all socialist organisation as well as all those democratic, antifascist, communist, anti imperialist and pacifist people who are struggling against the violence and the crimes of Turkish regime and its genocide against Kurdish people. As the “10 September” prisoner pointed out in front of the 10th Heavy Penalty Court of Besiktas, in Istanbul, during the 5th hearing of the trial started against the 23 communists who had been arrested and imprisoned in September 2006, the Turkish regime is still supporting illegal proceedings, forced disappearance and political killings. Dirty war crimes of the counter-guerrilla state came into the open once more during the process of the Ergenekon operations, many Kurdish patriots and revolutionaries who had been disappeared under arrest during the dirty war period in Kurdistan were buried at the BOTAS wells. ASP called upon all progressive, revolutionary, and communist forces to express concrete solidarity with the Kurdish and Turkish political prisoners.”

KOE said in its statement that started with the words “The Communist Organization of Greece strongly denounces to the Greek and international public opinion the new pogrom unleashed by the Ankara regime against the Left, the labour and women’s movement and the progressive intellectuals in Turkey and N. Kurdistan” the following: “This new pogrom against the progressive forces in Turkey and N. Kurdistan on the orders of the Erdogan government, who is a favourite ally of the EU and of the USA, underlines once more the deeply antidemocratic nature of the Ankara regime, which shamelessly poses on international level as defender of human rights and of the democratic freedoms! The Communist Organization of Greece calls upon the progressive and left organizations of the peoples of the world to express by any means they consider appropriate their solidarity with the arrested and to demand their immediate liberation, as well as the liberation of the thousands of progressive political prisoners in Turkey and N. Kurdistan.”

ISAI Peru declared its solidarity with the 57 arrested socialists and the organisations facing police terror with a message and said: “In line with our principles, we as ISAI-Peru demand the release of the 57 revolutionaries arrested and declare one again to the wardens of the imperialist dungeons that the struggle will continue until the eternal victory is achieved” The New Generation of the Azerbaijan Communist Youth published a solidarity message, too, emphasizing its concern on the detentions. The International Anti-imperialist and People’s Solidarity Coordinating Committee (IAPSCC) sent a statement in which it protested against the arrests. In the statement it says: “We express our solidarity with the fighting people of Turkey and call upon the democratic minded people all over the world to condemn this act of the Turkish Government and to organize movements to put international pressure on the Government for the release of the prisoners. We affirm our conviction that ultimate victory belongs to the people and that fascistic rulers will surely be defeated through revolutionary struggle of the people based on a correct ideology.” The Red Antifa from Germany said the following in its statement titled “Resistance is no terrorism”: “In order to be in line with the EU standards and on the basis of the anti-terror laws applied in Turkey, not only the revolutionary left but also workers on strike and demonstrations are attacked and the death penalty is being practiced on the streets.” The Red Antifa demanded the release of the political prisoners in Turkey and all over the world. Dr. Laver Stroka from Albania expressed his fraternal solidarity with the arrested socialists in Turkey and North Kurdistan.