Mass rally as a respond to the economic crisis
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Tens of thousands of workers and labourers of many different sectors gathered at the rally organised at Kadikoy Iskele Square, Istanbul on February 15 by unions to protest the crisis. The rally organised by KESK , DISK and Turk-Is under the slogan "We won't pay the bill for the crisis" was joined by many workers who had been dismissed or who have started a resistance.{divide} The workers emphasized their demand to stop the dismissals under the pretext of the crisis and declared that they won't pay the bill for the crisis as wanted by the AKP government and the bosses for maintaining their own profits. The protesters frequently shouted the slogans "The bosses shall pay for the crisis".
Many democratic mass organisations and progressive and revolutionary organisations participated at the rally besides the trade unions. In the speech made in the name of DISK, the local elections on March 29 were mentioned and a call made to the workers to show their anger against the AKP government in the elections. KESK General President Sami Evren said in his speech: "The process of becoming a democracy can't be realised without the enlightening of extra-judicial killings, the solution of the Kurdish question with peace and the liquidation of the special counter organisation within the state". There was a broad participation also from the other cities of the Marmara Region at the rally organised in Istanbul.