Local elections on March 29, 2009
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Marxist Leninist Communists analyse the local elections from the point of view of first of all organising and enlightening the masses as well as strengthening the socialist alternative. The exposures of all bourgeois parties as well as the tendency of creating a socialist focus are both the central point in the work carried out for the local elections.

01 February 2009 /International Bulletin / Issue 78


On March 29, 2009 local elections will take place in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. During such a period when the effects of the economical crisis on the working class and labourers are increasing, the bourgeois system parties as well as revolutionary, democratic, progressive forces show a deep interest in the local elections and have started to prepare themselves. Both sides aim at achieving new posts or to extend their posts. The election periods are periods during which the workers and labourers show more interest in politics.
The local elections on March 29 will have the characteristics of being a referendum to a certain extent in Kurdistan. The declaration by Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey, longs to especially take over Amed, the heart of Kurdistan, from the DTP in the local elections and his visits in Kurdistan he did in the second half of 2008, have made the Kurdish National Movement become active. The national movement declared that Amed is its own castle and that it won't let the AKP seize this castle, but aims to increase its community seats from 51 to 105. The national movement's election mobilisation started after the protests that exposed the tours of Erdogan in Kurdistan shows that the polarisation in Kurdistan between the AKP standing for the state and the DTP representing the national movement will sharpen.
The elections will show if the sayings of the AKP government, such as the opening of a Kurdish TV channel as well as the opening of a Kurdish Language and Literature Department at the universities in Istanbul and Ankara, after having distributed pasta and coal as the investment for the elections have an impact on the Kurdish people or not. While the Kurdish people, that has developed its national conscious to an important extent and has organised itself, answered these steps of the government with the slogan "We don't want pasta but freedom", it also declared not to believe in the AKP government's election investment such as the TV channel TRT 6.
The local elections on March 29 ensured that many revolutionary and progressive forces in many cities, including the national movement, too, gather in common platforms and nominating common candidates against the bourgeois parties. 24 organisations, among them progressive, revolutionary political parties and platforms, democratic mass organisations such as the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed ( ESP ) and the Democratic Party of the People (DTP) declared in a press meeting on December 27, 2008 in Istanbul that they will act together for the elections on March 29, 2009 in all possible cities, provinces and city states and create the alternative of the workers and oppressed. Platforms that are similar to the one in Istanbul founded under the slogan "We will make it together" have been founded in many other cities and provinces - although there are different participants- and the basis has been created to participate together in the elections.
The ESP preparing itself for the local elections has published its election declaration and election tactics on January 18 in a press meeting in Istanbul. The ESP announced to participate in the elections in the Western cities through common candidates, in those cities where cooperation won't be ensured the ESP will nominate independent socialist candidates, and in the Kurdish cities it will support the candidates of the DTP. In order to "march on the oppressors and exploiters through strikes, resistances, boycotts and demonstrations against unemployment, layoffs, poverty and misery, chauvinism and fascist terror, economic crisis, the brutality in Palestine; in order to defend our right to housing, food and fuels, work and live and to defend our right to a new city and a human life", the ESP calls on the working class and the millions not to vote for the system parties, but to vote the candidates supported by the ESP.
While the ESP with its revolutionary will and action, its socialist identity and candidates, is raising the flag of socialism, it offers the workers and labourers a revolutionary alternative, regardless if within united platforms or not.
Marxist Leninist Communists analyse the local elections from the point of view of first of all organising and enlightening the masses as well as strengthening the socialist alternative. The exposures of all bourgeois parties as well as the tendency of creating a socialist focus are both the central point in the work carried out for the local elections. Socialism as the only alternative for a human life is being written on all flags.





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Local elections on March 29, 2009
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Marxist Leninist Communists analyse the local elections from the point of view of first of all organising and enlightening the masses as well as strengthening the socialist alternative. The exposures of all bourgeois parties as well as the tendency of creating a socialist focus are both the central point in the work carried out for the local elections.

01 February 2009 /International Bulletin / Issue 78


On March 29, 2009 local elections will take place in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. During such a period when the effects of the economical crisis on the working class and labourers are increasing, the bourgeois system parties as well as revolutionary, democratic, progressive forces show a deep interest in the local elections and have started to prepare themselves. Both sides aim at achieving new posts or to extend their posts. The election periods are periods during which the workers and labourers show more interest in politics.
The local elections on March 29 will have the characteristics of being a referendum to a certain extent in Kurdistan. The declaration by Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey, longs to especially take over Amed, the heart of Kurdistan, from the DTP in the local elections and his visits in Kurdistan he did in the second half of 2008, have made the Kurdish National Movement become active. The national movement declared that Amed is its own castle and that it won't let the AKP seize this castle, but aims to increase its community seats from 51 to 105. The national movement's election mobilisation started after the protests that exposed the tours of Erdogan in Kurdistan shows that the polarisation in Kurdistan between the AKP standing for the state and the DTP representing the national movement will sharpen.
The elections will show if the sayings of the AKP government, such as the opening of a Kurdish TV channel as well as the opening of a Kurdish Language and Literature Department at the universities in Istanbul and Ankara, after having distributed pasta and coal as the investment for the elections have an impact on the Kurdish people or not. While the Kurdish people, that has developed its national conscious to an important extent and has organised itself, answered these steps of the government with the slogan "We don't want pasta but freedom", it also declared not to believe in the AKP government's election investment such as the TV channel TRT 6.
The local elections on March 29 ensured that many revolutionary and progressive forces in many cities, including the national movement, too, gather in common platforms and nominating common candidates against the bourgeois parties. 24 organisations, among them progressive, revolutionary political parties and platforms, democratic mass organisations such as the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed ( ESP ) and the Democratic Party of the People (DTP) declared in a press meeting on December 27, 2008 in Istanbul that they will act together for the elections on March 29, 2009 in all possible cities, provinces and city states and create the alternative of the workers and oppressed. Platforms that are similar to the one in Istanbul founded under the slogan "We will make it together" have been founded in many other cities and provinces - although there are different participants- and the basis has been created to participate together in the elections.
The ESP preparing itself for the local elections has published its election declaration and election tactics on January 18 in a press meeting in Istanbul. The ESP announced to participate in the elections in the Western cities through common candidates, in those cities where cooperation won't be ensured the ESP will nominate independent socialist candidates, and in the Kurdish cities it will support the candidates of the DTP. In order to "march on the oppressors and exploiters through strikes, resistances, boycotts and demonstrations against unemployment, layoffs, poverty and misery, chauvinism and fascist terror, economic crisis, the brutality in Palestine; in order to defend our right to housing, food and fuels, work and live and to defend our right to a new city and a human life", the ESP calls on the working class and the millions not to vote for the system parties, but to vote the candidates supported by the ESP.
While the ESP with its revolutionary will and action, its socialist identity and candidates, is raising the flag of socialism, it offers the workers and labourers a revolutionary alternative, regardless if within united platforms or not.
Marxist Leninist Communists analyse the local elections from the point of view of first of all organising and enlightening the masses as well as strengthening the socialist alternative. The exposures of all bourgeois parties as well as the tendency of creating a socialist focus are both the central point in the work carried out for the local elections. Socialism as the only alternative for a human life is being written on all flags.