Action at the anniversary of forced disappearance in Silopi
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On the 8th anniversary of disappearance of Serdar Tanis, chairman of HADEP in the province of Silopi, as well as Ebubekir Deniz, HADEP leader in the province, who both had been called to the Silopi Province Gendarmerie Station for a testimony and since then had been disappeared under arrest, the people of Silopi, Kurdistan, went on the streets. Besides DTP deputies, thousands joined the action. {divide}The masses shouting the slogans such as "The forced disappeared must be found, an account must be rendered" and "The martyrs are immortal" were tried to be hindered by the police, but managed to march until the DTP office. DTP chairman of Silopi Halil Ermez made a statement emphasizing that the Ergenekon operations haven't been carried out on the east side of the river Firat, what actually means that the cases of forced disappearance and extra-judicial killings in Kurdistan don't wanted to be exposed. Ermez also demanded the excavations to take place also at BOTAS which came on the agenda due to the Ergenekon operations.
The action finished with a 5 minute sit-in in commemorating the forced disappearanced.
After the excavations in Ankara, on January 28 Amed ESP demanded excavations to take place at BOTAS, too, where many bodies of disappeared are thought to be. At the press conference organised at the ESP Office in Amed, the ESP repeated its demands to expose the fate of the forced disappeared under arrest and the people buried at mass graves as well as the conviction of those giving and those realising the orders. On January 29, Amed ESP distributed its leaflets at the city centre demanding to be given the information on where the Silopi disappeared had been buried as well as the excavations to be started at BOTAS.