Workers in Bursa met at rally against crisis
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The Bursa People's Assembly, in which different unions, associations, democratic mass organisations and trade associations are participating, realised a rally on January 12 at the City Square. Thousands of workers met at the rally titled "Stop the dismissals" that was organised against the arbitrary acts of the bosses, who take the crisis as a pretext, such as dismissals and forcing the workers to go on unpaid holiday as well as against the price increases which are introduced one after another. DISK , KESK , SES and the ESP supported the rally, too, where there were also workers present who had been dismissed. Bus drivers, who are members of the union TUMTIS and who have been leading a resistance for more than 200 days after being dismissed, as well as Sifas and Nergis textile workers, Asemat workers affiliated to the union Birlesik Metal-Is and the Renault workers also made speeches and told the masses about what they had to gone through due to the bosses' arbitrary acts. The workers shouted slogans such as "There is no way for liberation on your own, either together or none of us" and "Long lives the class solidarity", and also shouted slogans in favour of Gaza.