Greetings to the resistance in Greece from the revolutionary prisoners
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The revolutionary prisoners at the F-Type Prison of Tekirdag No:1 made a statement to greet the resistance of the Greek people, which started as a reaction against the police murder and spread to all parts of the country. The full text of the statement made by prisoners affiliated to the MLCP, DHKP-C, Resistance Movement, MKP , TIKB , TKEP/L and TKP/ML is as follows:


The Greek people, workers and labourers are in action since December 6. After the murder of 15 year old Alexis Gregoropoulos by the bullets of the Greek police, the Greek people responded this murder with a great resistance and revolt. The universities were taken; the streets were set on fire with the strong breath of the demonstrators. The actions that were supported by the strikes of the Greek workers and labourers did not only spread to all parts of the country, but also passed the borders and found its reflection in many countries of Europe.

The Greek government shows a total withdrawal in face of the actions. The government has the fear that the actions would grow wider and destroy its power. It has nothing to do against the demonstrators who set fire to the streets in the country which is alerted. The power of action has now become above everything. The Greek people, full of anger against the system with the influence of the economic and political crisis, did not limit themselves with demanding an account for the murder of the teenager by the police only, but they also turn this into a great resistance and revolt.

The global economic crisis of capitalism has dragged the workers and labourers of the world into the clutches of unemployment, hunger and death. The revolutionary revolt of the Greek people has shown once more that workers and labourers are not helpless in face of the exploitation and oppression. What our exploited and oppressed Turkish and Kurdish people have to do in face of economic, social and political problems is to show solidarity with the Greek workers and labourers, to organise themselves and to fight for the revolution and socialism. The only way for the emancipation from this system of exploitation and oppression is the revolution and is to take the power for socialism.

As the revolutionary prisoners from the F-Type Prison of Tekirdag No:1, we greet the dignified resistance of the Greek people and announce that their fight is our fight.

Long live the resistance of the Greek people!

Long live the revolution and socialism!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

On behalf of the prisoners of the MLCP, DHKP-C, Resistance Movement, MKP, TIKB, TKEP/L and TKP/ML: Hasan Polat, Fikret Akar, Murat Karayel, Ayhan Gungor, Ertan Altun, Nurettin Temel and Ulvi Yalcin