Police raided canteen occupied by students and workers
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When the rectorate of Ankara University cancelled the contract with the company Tadal, the canteen workers working at Cebeci campus became unemployed. As a result, the 40 workers and Ankara University students founded the Ankara University Assembly. With a group of 200 people, Ankara University Assembly started to occupy the canteen on November 19, surrounded by the police. {divide}
On November 25, an action was organised by the students and the workers together and supported by teaching staff as well as different democratic organisations and unions. Throughout the occupation, the students organised actions to enlighten their fellow students against the announcement of the rectorate that the occupation is illegal. When on the 10th day of the occupation, the new subcontract company called Tamsofra, newly by the rectorate, wanted to bring food to the canteen for the first time and accompanied by tanks and special police forces, the determined attitude of the students and the workers made the company leave the university.
On December 5, the police raided the canteen in order to put an end to the occupation that has been lasting for more than 2 weeks. 42 students and workers were arrested under the pretext of "having damaged public property". The police continued to terrorise the university the whole day and arrested two other students. The students and workers are still held at the police station.