The labourers will not pay the bill for the crisis
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The actions against the government, which tries to burden the labourers with the bill of the economic crisis by the price increases of electricity, natural gas, water and public transport, are continuing. {divide}
On November 16, the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed called upon the workers and labourers to take to the street against the AKP government and the bosses by means of simultaneous actions in Istanbul, Bursa, Malatya, Adana and Antakya. At the action, they carried a banner saying "We will not pay the bill of the crisis. Labourers, take action, take to the streets!" and mentioned in their speeches that the workers and labourers are not responsible for the crisis of capitalism. The activists of the ESP pointed out that already now thousands of workers have been dismissed under the pretext of the economic crisis and reminding the recent increases of prices, they demanded to prohibit dismisses, to cancel the price increases, to cancel the agreements with the IMF as well as the internal and foreign debts, to cancel the tax on the minimum wage and to stop the dirty war waged against the Kurdish people and the expenses made for armament. Moreover, a call to participate in the meeting organised by DISK and KESK on November 29 in Ankara was made at the action.
At the same time, the people are getting into action against the high prices in the neighbourhoods. In the evening of November 15, 300 people followed the call of the Democratic Platform in Istanbul Okmeydani to take to the streets with empty pots and demand the cancellation of all price increases, at first those of electricity, natural gas and water.