Attacks on the freedom of the press: Bans to close the newspapers Atilim, Ozgur Ulke, Alternatif, Gelecek and Gercek
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On October 4, the 14th Heavy Penalty Court of Istanbul decided to close the newspaper Atilim - the Socialist Alternative of the Oppressed for one month applying to art. 6 of the anti-terror law no. 3713. The court also decided to confiscate the last issue of the newspaper. {divide}
Recently an increase of bans on the Kurdish press has been witnessed. The newspaper Gercek published after the Kurdish newspapers Gelecek and Ozgur Ulke had been banned was decided to be banned on the same day like Atilim newspaper for one month. In its last issue the newspaper Atilim was published with the title "Marx was always right" giving a clear answer to those who claim that Marx was wrong and that the end of history has come.
The decision of censoring Atilim newspaper for one month was protested with a press meeting on October 4 at the Istanbul branch of the Human Rights Association supported by oppositional newspapers and democratic organisations. Once again the bans on oppositional press were protested in the press
statement and the demands raised to stop all obstacles put in front of the freedom of the press. It was also stressed that Atilim newspaper will not give up. At the meeting it was declared that one of the reasons for banning Atilim newspaper was its publication of news on the censorship on the newspaper Alternatif, Gelecek and Ozgur Ulke. Yuksel Genc, the chief editor of Gundem newspaper, condemned the attack on Atilim newspaper, too, drawing attention to the Kurdish media censorship and explaining that only in 2,5 years 37 Kurdish newspapers were banned by art. 6 of the Anti-terror law. The last Kurdish newspaper called Gercek was banned the second day after it had been published.