International Youth Camp hold in Turkey
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The international youth camp organised by the Federation of the Socialist Youth Associations ( SGD F) took place from August 26 to September 2 at Sotes Holiday Resorts in Dikili near Izmir. The camp took place under the slogan "we turn our face to Deniz" (Deniz refers to Deniz Gezmis and means in Turkish also Sea) and next to hundreds of young people from all over Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, also international delegates participated. To communicate the youth movement of ´68 and the struggle of the leaders of the revolutionary movement in Turkey of 1971 in Turkey Deniz Gezmis, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya and Mahir Cayan to the youth played an important role in the camp, where the young people experienced during a whole week all together the enthusiasm of joint discussions, production, of sharing and enjoying themselves. {divide}
The international delegates of the Youth Collective La Mochila (rucksack) of the Communist Party of Chile (Proletarian Action), of the youth of the Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE) from Greece, from the teachers trade-union from Lebanon, from the Socialist Thought Forum from Jordan, from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), from the Revolutionary Communist Youth Union (Bolshevik) from Russia, from the All India Democratic Youth Organisation and from the New Generation Communist Youth Alliance Azerbaijan also shared their experiences in the panel discussions, seminars and conversations. They reported about the experience of struggle from the struggle created by the youth movement in Chile, of the Greek youth in the streets of Greece against the privatisation of education and shared also the developments and revolutionary struggle of Russia, India and Azerbaijan. The delegation from Palestine talked about their struggle for a socialist Palestine and the delegates from Lebanon and Jordan informed about the struggle in Lebanon and the Middle East and discussed the Grater Middle East Initiative of the USA.
The socialist youth enjoyed on one hand the collective way of learning and sharing in the numerous seminars and workshops, which took place in the camp and the cultural activities organised in the evenings on the other hand. A lot of different topics from theoretical issues up to recent political struggles have been discussed like the "topicality of Marxism", "Under the Pavement Still Lies the Beach" on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the youth movement of 1968 and "What happens in Tuzla", an open discussion about the strikes at the shipyards. The youth camp continued for one week with many events like also a big concert on August 31 and terminated after a joint evaluation of the camp and the closing event in the evening of the World Peace Day on September 1.