Every Saturday action against the counter-guerrilla massacres
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Organizing actions in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Adana, Antakya, Antep, Malatya, Mersin and Diyarbakir on August 8, the ESP announced that they will organise simultaneous actions every Saturday in 10 provinces until the anniversary of the military fascist coup of the September 12, 1980 demanding to judge the ones responsible of the counter-guerrilla massacres and to clear them up. {divide}
The activists of the ESP took to the streets with the slogan "Let us wriggle out all paving stones, let us tear down the wall of the counter-guerrilla" stating that they will expose the mass massacres, the assassinations of intellectuals, the assassination of revolutionary leaders and the military coups by discussing every week a different topic.
At the action of August 8, a text with the title "indictment of the people 1: Counter-guerrilla and mass massacres" was read out as an answer to the indictment of the Ergenekon trial, which conceals the official connections of the counter-guerrilla and the massacres committed by the state. This indictment investigates the massacres of December 24, 1978 in Maras , of July 5-7, 1980 in Corum , of July 2, 1993 in Sivas, of March 12 1995 in Istanbul- Gazi and the Gungoren massacre and demands that those politically responsible for the massacres and the offenders of the crimes are judged. Moreover, they condemned the bomb attack committed by the counter-guerrilla last week in Istanbul-Gungoren at the action and shouted the slogans "Down with MIT , CIA, counter-guerilla", "the labourers will ask account the murders" and "The offender of the crime in Gungoren is the counter-revolutionary state".