Limter-Is: Dolmabahce meeting means insisting on insolubility
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Limter-Is union protested against the Dolmabahce meeting of Prime Minister Erdogan on the same day with a written statement titled "A solution without Limter-Is is no solution!". In the statement it says: "With our strike of February 27-28, the government and shipyard bosses, who have ignored the work-related accidents and the lack of rules and regulations at the shipyards for the last 16 years, had to start to look after the shipyards. After our strike on February 27-28, some of the working conditions at the shipyards were improved and after our strike on June 16 there will be improvements, too." Limter-Is pointed out that with the closing of the shipyards and the Dolmabahce meeting the aim is to give the impression that improvements are made. The union stressed that this meeting will not bring any solution once again and that every step towards a solution without Limter-Is means the insistence of not hindering the deaths.