Call by DISK for supporting the strike on June 16
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The Confederation of Revolutionary Workers` Unions ( DISK ) organised a press conference on June 10 at its general office calling for support of the Tuzla shipyard workers` strike on June 16. Leaders of the union Limter-Is joined the press conference, too.
In a speech the DISK leader Ali Riza Kucukosmanoglumade, he informed on the work-related accidents and declared that for the past 60 years every year in average 900 workers died because of work-related accidents. At the same period altogether 55,000 workers had died, and 145,000 workers became disabled. Kucukosmanoglu emphasized the importance of the struggle led by the union Limter-Is against these work-related accidents and said: "We will be in solidarity with the strikes and resistances in every region where we are represented. We are expecting our people, people`s organisations, the working class and labour friends to participate in the strike on June 16."