Brotherhood of the peoples at Kadikoy
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Ten thousands of Turks and Kurds joined the rally on the 1st of June in Istanbul-Kadiköy organised by Peace Assembly of Turkey with the slogans “Enough is enough. We want a democratic solution on the Kurdish question”.
Thousands of people came to Kadikoy from different cities of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan and shouted the slogan “Enough is enough” in Kurdish and Turkish during the rally in order to raise the brotherhood of the peoples, to put an end to the denial and annihilation policy against the Kurdish people and to stop the military operations. Trade unions linked to DISK and KESK , Petrol-Is , Tumtis, Tekstil-Sen , DTP , ESP , EMEP and other political parties, trade unions and organisations participated at the meeting and they carried the banners written “Enough is enough. We want a democratic solution on the Kurdish question” in Turkish and Kurdish.
The activists of the ESP made a 5-minute sit-in action during the march towards the square to protest the denial and annihilation policy of the state and they cried out the slogans such as “Equality. Brotherhood. Freedom to the Kurdish nation” and “Labourers’ solution to the Kurdish question”.
The Militants of our party MLCP also took their place at the rally with the slogan “More and more uprising. MLCP-Kurdistan”.
At the speech made on behalf of the Organising Committee, the following was expressed: “We know that equality and freedom does not have any meaning without brotherhood. We want permanent peace on this territory where we have been living for thousands of years. We demand that the language and the culture of the Kurdish people should be recognised at all public areas and the right of participating in the political life with the Kurdish identity should be approved”.
At the speeches made on behalf of the Kurdish and Turkish youth, it was stressed that the struggle for a future where Kurdish and Turkish nation could live together brotherly should be raised. The rally ended with a music concert.