Actions for the International Weeks Against Forced Disappearance continue
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In Turkey and Northern Kurdistan actions during the International Weeks Against Disappearances from May 17-31 continue.
The actions started on May 17, when ICAD , YAKAY-DER and IHD organised a sit-in in front of the Galatasaray School in Istanbul and continued with actions in Malatya, Bursa and Istanbul.
On the evening of May 23, the IHD, ESP , KESK , DTP and different democratic mass organisations realised a march with torches at Malatya. At the action the mass shouted the slogans "Those who let disappear will disappear" and "The mothers` rage will strangle the murderers" and carried the pictures of the disappeared.
Following the call of the IHD branch Bursa, an action was organised on May 26 at Orhangazi Park with the slogan "We did not forget the disappeared under arrest, we will not let them be forgotten. Those who let disappear will disappear". The action was joined by ESP, Partizan and B DSP and supported by SDP and DHP.
In Istanbul the ESP organised actions on the disappeared on May 19 at the cemetery of Gazi and on May 24 at the quarter Okmeydani.
The Turkey Section of the International Committee Against Disappearances (ICAD) organised an event on May 24 at BEKSAV where the families of the forced disappeared were given a plaquet. At this event, the families spoke about what had happened to them and their fight starting in 1995 after Hasan Ocak was forced disappeared.
At the actions and events that took place, attention was drawn to the state terror, extra-judicial killings, arrests and detention attacks that have lately and once again the call was risen to join the struggle.