The masses demand an account for the state terror on Mayday: Government resign! Governor resign!
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The fight against the state terror in Istanbul by the fascist dictatorship is extended more and more. On Mayday Suleyman Celebi, president of DISK , one of the confederations that faced police terror, already declared the ongoing as state terror in a speech and called on the governor to resign. DISK, KESK and Turk-Is were attacked because they wanted to celebrate Mayday at Taksim. On May 5, they held a press conference protesting against the state terror and announced to be again at Taksim Square on Mayday 2009. They also declared to start a trial against the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Interior, as well as the governor and the police chief of of Istanbul. Since Mayday many democratic organisations have called on the Istanbul governor to resign as he is considered to be responsible for the state terror. A website with signing for the resignation of the governor has also been created.
ESP : Government resign!
The ESP continues with its campaign calling on the government and Istanbul governor Muammer Guler to resign by organising actions in Istanbul, Ankara and Adana on May 2. The activists of the ESP distribute leaflets published on May 7 with the title "Enemy of the labourers AKP government resign" calling on the workers and labourers to join the struggle against the government and governor. In its leaflet, the ESP demands the conviction of the police, that had attacked the workers and labourers with tanks, gas bombs, truncheons and plastic bullets, and those responsible for all what happened on Mayday, and calls on the people to demand an account of the government, governor and police chief.
The ESP is currently also organising a signature campaign calling on the responsible forces for the state terror on Mayday to resign. For that, the activists are holding speeches on the streets and at cafes and the labourers are called to force the government to resign.
Another action started by the ESP against the state terror is to make the labourers switch off the light at home every evening at 9pm for one minute and to hang up a black bow at work places and homes.