Call of the MLCP CC for Mayday
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 The Central Committee of our party MLCP has published a statement on 18 April 2008 and called upon the workers and labourers to take the streets on Mayday. The CC stated the following: "We greet the day of unity, solidarity and struggle of the world working class. World proletariat and the oppressed peoples will confront the imperialists and the world reaction once more on Mayday this year! The forces of freedom, revolution and socialism and the forces of imperialism and its collaborators will settle accounts once more! The army of labour and of the oppressed will challenge once more to the armies of the capital and of oppression at the streets!"
The Central Committee stressed that the place of the Mayday celebrations in Istanbul is Taksim Square.
The statement ends with the following words: "Let's paint the streets in red through broad, widespread and militant celebrations all over Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, and at the first place, at Taksim Square in Istanbul! Let's fill the streets on Mayday with the aim of general strike, general resistance on Mayday! Let's show the power of the working class and the oppressed to the colonialist fascist dictatorship and to the imperialist bandits!"
This year, the preparations for Mayday in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan concentrate on the celebration of Mayday at Taksim, the banned square of Istanbul. Taksim Square was banned for actions of workers and labourers after the celebrations of Mayday 1977, when 500 thousand workers and labourers had gathered at the square and 36 labourers had lost their lives as a result of the gunfire of the counter-guerilla. On Mayday 2007, Taksim Square was conquered by workers again after clashes with state forces. Almost all prominent trade unions, among them the confederations DISK , KESK and Turk-Is , democratic mass organisations, revolutionary and democratic forces prepare to celebrate the Mayday at Taksim Square in Istanbul this year, too.