Turkish state’s loss of soldiers becomes public
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The colonial army's loss of soldiers during its cross-border operations in South Kurdistan in February has been tried to be hidden so far, but was once again exposed by a soldier's mother who spoke to the newspaper Ozgur Politika under the condition that her name and place of residence will not be published.
The 63 year old mother of a soldier told that during the operations of two soldiers of higher rank as well as the chair of the "Association of Solidarity with Martyrs` Families" knocked on her door to inform her on the death of her son, who had been sent to South Kurdistan when he was already a soldier for 15 months affiliated to the 7th general commandership's units in Diyarbakir, was dead. She said that they asked her to bury the dead body of her son in the middle of the night in order "not to make the PKK happy".
The mother also explained that she received the note of her son's death after five days and called on the mothers of soldiers` and guerrillas to stop the war.