Limter-Is union continues to fight accident-related murders
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Accident-related murders continue to happen at Tuzla shipyards as the shipyard bosses do not take any precaution measures. While on March 13 the outsourcing company worker Yuksel Ozdemir working at Tuzla Gemi Shipyard fell down from a height of 20 metres and was injured, 6 workers of the American Liberty Star ship were poisoned. On March 14, a worker of Gisan shipyard was heavily injured, too.
The union Limter-Is protested with actions against these work accidents and continues to warn the shipyard bosses.
The shipyard's union Limter-Is affiliated to DISK organised an action on March 15 and opened the banner read "You do not follow any rules; you are acting arbitrarily and illegally. This will not continue like that." Limter-Is general secretary Kanber Saygili said in a speech that work without rules and illegal work continue to be practiced at the shipyards despite the accident-related murders and all protests having had so far. He said that the accidents happened one after another and that the number of the workers injured has not been even registered.
Besides protesting the accident-related murders, Limter-Is also demands the application of a work day with 7,5 hours according to the law for "Heavy ad dangerous work sectors" and calls upon the workers to fight for a work day with 7,5 hours.