SGD: “I have a brother over there”
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As part of its campaign "I have a brother over there" to raise the brotherhood with the Kurdish people against fascism and chauvinism, the SGD (Socialist Youth Association) who declared Dicle University in Diyarbakir as its partner university organised a big meeting in Diyarbakir.
110 young people who set off from 14 different cities such as Istanbul, Izmir, Adana, Ankara, Antakya and Bursa reached Diyarbakir on February 29 and were saluted by the Kurdish youth.
The socialist youth who were welcomed by Dicle University students in front of the DTP Diyarbakir office organised together an action here. In the speech held in the name of the SGD, the following was said: "The only truth in Turkey is not darkness, but there are youth who are in favour of peace and brotherhood". Nedet Arici who spoke in the name of the Patriotic Democratic Youth emphasized the importance of the progressive socialist Turkish youth` support during such a period.
Nearly 200 Kurdish and Turkish youth joined the meeting shouting the slogans "Equality, brotherhood and freedom to the Kurdish youth", "Biji biratiya gelan" and "Shoulder to shoulder against fascism."
When the youth wanted to make another statement at the campus of Dicle University, they were hindered by the police and protested against the police barricades by shouting slogans.
The SGD`s march for brotherhood will continue with different activities.