ESP Kurdistan Representations call for action
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On February 23, the representations of the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed ( ESP ) of Amed, Dersim, Antep, Malatya and Sivas made a written statement on the land operations of the colonial Turkish Armed Forces.
The ESP representations stressed in their statement that the fascist colonial army and the AKP government are the main responsible forces for the these attacks and draw attention on the support of the attacks given by the USA, EU countries and central Iraqi government. It was also said that the attacks target first of all thousands of patriotic Kurdish guerrilas in South Kurdistan and in fact the whole Kurdish people living in Kurdistan. The ESP made the following call in its statement:"Our people and first of all its progressive, democratic and socialist patriotic forces will not stay silent towards the operations and occupation. Turkish workers and labourers and their democratic and socialist forces must go on the streets, raise their voice and support the dignified struggle of our people."