Martyrs of the death fast of 1996 commemorated
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 The "12 carnations" who fell in the death fast of 1996, that was finished on July 27, 1996 on the 69th day with victory, have been commemorated with different actions and activities.
The Socialist Platform of the Oppressed ( ESP ) organised an action on July 25 at Huseyin Demircioglu`s grave, member of our party`s CC who became a martyr on the 67th day of the death fast, at Karacaahmet Cemetery, Istanbul, to commemorate to the 12 martyrs. While comrade Huseyin`s life was told in different speeches, it was also reminded that the communists detained after the attacks in September last year want to be sentenced to altogether 3000 years in prison and that f-type isolation cells still exist.
 In Izmir, ESP, DHP, Partizan, B DSP , ICI, Kaldirac and Mucadele Birligi called for an action in front of Buca prison on July 24. The revolutionaries opened a common banner saying "The martyrs of the open-ended hunger strike and of the death fast of 1996 are immortal" and told about the resistance in the prisons in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan`s history.
In their speeches they also emphasized that attacks, isolation and torture of the revolutionary prisoners still continue today. The action finished with shouting the slogans "The revolutionary martyrs are immortal", "The murderer state will render an account" and "Long live revolutionary solidarity".